Hey Im New! Help me out!

  • Hello,

    Im just starting out on this site so i thought i would say hi. Im not really sure if this is for me but i read about it in my magazine so i thought i would try it out. I have been struggling with my weight for a while, i dont think i am extremely fat but I really wanna lose at least 30 pounds.
    I have tried pretty much every diet pill in the book and nothing has worked. I try and work out as much as I can but as a student with tons of projects and working part time excercise seems to fall to the bottom of the list. I try and eat as well as i can but usually when i cook i cook for 2, my boyfriend and i and well he's not exactly the healthiest eater and doesnt like too many veggies so its hard to cook something too healthy that we will both like. A lot of the time when i have a long day at school I am way to lazy to cook so i stop and.. well get fast food as im sure we all have.
    I am not really sure what i plan to get from this web site, i am really unsure of what i CAN get on this website. If you ladies have any advice to give me about anything that i can do that would be so helpful. I wanna go to mexico for my birthday (in feb) and it would be SO good if i actually felt comfortable in a bikini.
    I look forward to gettin to know you all!!
    Thanks! Nika
  • NIKA . . . . . . This is a very, very big site and there are lots of specialized places that might interest you. Take your time and have a good look around and feel free to jump in and start posting whenever something catches your attention. I know you will always receive a warm welcome wherever you decide to post.

    The main thing I think you will gain at 3FC is understanding and a realization that you are definitely not alone in your desire and struggle to gain better health and fitness. Unfortunately, what you will not gain is a magic solution. There is none. Losing weight takes work and committment. If you want it enough, chickie . . . you will succeed . . . and around here there will always be lots and lots of buddies to cheer you on.

    Good Luck . . .
  • Well thanks so much!!
    I understand theres no magical solution.. dont we all wish there was haha!
    What have you been doin to lose your weight??
  • Well . . . a couple of things

    . . . first of all you have to understand that I am old enough to be your grandmother (and that does make a lot of difference in the weight loss game -- you are so wise to get rid of the excess while you are young and before a few pounds becomes a lot of pounds)

    . . . secondly, I'm a diabetic and that makes a difference too, unfortunately.

    SOOOO . . . basically I follow the Canadian Diabetes Association exchange system; which is a lot like any other exchange system diet you'll ever bump into; plus, I stir in the principles of Volumetrics because I have to feel full. Volumetrics just uses the principle of adding lots and lots of veggies to just about anything (almost any broth based soup os a great thing) so you get lots of food for as few calories as possible.

    Anyway . . . take a look at the General Diet Plans area for lots and lots of possibilities . . . 3FC doesn't push any one plan over another . . . the only thing we insist upon is that the plan you follow be as healthy as possible. Thre is also an exercise forum you should take a look at with lots of reviews about the more popular machines and DVD routines.

    Have a great time looking around -- I know you'll get lots of helpful ideas. Hope to see you later. . .
  • Thanks!!! I will do that!