I am sticking to it today because

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  • I have seen this tread before but can't find it;

    I am sticking to it today because;

    I worked out this morning and THINK, just maybe, my outfit fits and looks nicer on me (compaired to 2 weeks ago)

    WHY are YOU sticking to it today?
  • i'm sticking with it today because i have lost 2lbs last week and want to keep it going
  • I'm sticking with it today because I want my size 14 jeans to fit me better.
  • I'm sticking to it today because:

    I have lots of reasons.
    1. Being healthy feels so good.
    2. I love that I feel hungry before I eat now.
    3. I can see my weight loss and I want it to keep going.
    4. This year is just so much better than last year....
  • I'm sticking to it today because I deserve this!
  • I'm sticking to it today because I want to meet my Christmas goal!
  • I'm sticking to it today because I don't want my daughter to go through what I went through in regards to weight and I am her best example!
  • I'm sticking to it because I set a goal and I plan to reach it
    I'm sticking to it because it feels good
    I'm sticking to it because I CAN!!
  • I'm sticking to it today because failure is NOT an option!
    I'm sticking to it today because I can!
  • Im sticking to it because I believe in Change and this is one part of my life that I must change to be the true person I know I am. I no longer want to feel like im borrowing someone else's body!
  • i sucked and didn't stick to it yesterday... booooo to me

    i am sticking with it today because i WILL fit into my size 14 jeans COMFORTABLE again!
  • I'm sticking to it today because I enjoy sticking to it, Yea!!!
  • Because if Madonna can look hot in her 40's, so can I....dammit!~

  • am sticking to it coz i want to fit comfortably in a size 10-12 jeans.
    and be a bridesmaid in a size 12 dress at my friend's wedding.
  • I'm sticking to it today because...

    I was able to run for 5 min on my treadmill without stopping. Somthing that I couldn't have dreamed I would have been able to do 6 weeks ago.