Intro with some questions

  • * I originally posted this on a different board and someone nicely linked me here so I copied and pasted*

    Hi, I am a 30 year old sahm who wants to lose 50+ pounds. I had my 3 rd baby a little over 8 months ago and am still exclusively breastfeeding. He has some special nutritional needs so I can not cut my calories drastically yet.

    Here is what I am doing and my question...

    I am eating all the fruits and vegetables that I want so long as they are raw. I am keeping my calories between 1800 and 2000 a day.
    I am not eating more than 2 servings of red meat a week.
    I am trying to eat at least 4 times a day.
    I am not eating after 8 pm.

    My question is , Can you lose weight with diet alone? I have no problems with exercise just the time to do it in. This will not always be this way. Once the baby is older and more self sufficient it will get easier but for now I am wondering if it can be done.

    and as a side note: If any of you have breastfed and tried to lose weight how did you handle the constant hunger? I am soooo hungry all day and night, my stomach just growls and growls. It's very frustrating. All the literature I have read says that you don't need more than 300-500 extra calories a day while nursing so I added that to the 1600 that I read I need to lose weight and thats how I got my number 1800-2000. Anyone know if I am doing this right or wrong?

    Thanks for any advice you have got! I look forward to meeting you all and getting involved here more.
  • Hi and welcome to the board! I'm a SAHM too.

    Quote: My question is , Can you lose weight with diet alone?
    Weight loss occurs only when we consume fewer calories than we burn. Without exercise, you still burn some calories (basic body function and daily activities). So if you eat fewer calories than what is required to maintain your weight, you'll lose weight. With exercise though, you'll create a larger calorie deficit and boost your metabolism, which will help you lose weight faster.
  • A general guideline from most doctors and La Leche League, is that you eat at least 1800 calories a day when you are nursing exclusively. Of course, this can be lowered a bit if you are nursing a toddler later on that is eating plenty of other food besides breastmilk. The guideline is basically for the first year, when your milk is the primary nutrition.

    I have three now, and I know how hard it is to get exercise in. Here are my suggestions:

    ~Stroller walking. The baby can come with you! I take Saber for walks immediately after I feed and change him, so he is satisfied and dry for the walk. Even a 15-20 minute walk a day can help, because it will add up over the course of the week.

    ~Have you tried any of the dvds meant for new moms? There are yoga videos available online where you use the baby as resistance, and many dvds out there where you can get the baby involved. The Athletic Club where I work sometimes has a Mommy & Me yoga class, where you bring your baby.

    ~Try finding another new mom close by, if you can, who is having the same trouble. Maybe you can work out something where you can meet at one of your homes, and you can watch the babies for 30 minutes while she gets a workout in with a dvd, and then she can watch them while you take your turn.
  • For the grumbling tummy, drink lots of water!
    I have a cheap gym membership at a women's gym and only have to pay $1 per visit for Mollie to go to the kids klub for 2 hrs.
    It's a nice break for me and it's fun for her to see other kids too.
    Is there anything like that in your area?
    Hope this helps.