Fibromyalgia #170

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  • Good morning ladies.

    Mima - Things happen in life you have NO control over. You have to let it go. Seems to me, that your tummy problems could be related to stress. You cannot take on the problems of everybody else. Just try to deal with YOU!

    Tammy - hope things are going well for you and your hubby. I am sure you are happy to have him at home instead of in the hospital. That was a long, tiring drive.

    Heading out to work this morning. This week, I have been to the dentist. Had my teeth cleaned, that ALWAYS feels soooooo good, and had a check up - Look Ma! NO CAVITIES!!! Also, picked up my glasses yesterday. The prescription is a little stronger than it was, so it is taking my eyes a while to adjust. Definitley better today, than yesterday when I got them. I put them on, and almost fell of the chair (when I picked them up).

    I hope you all have a nice day. Hi Joanne and Meme.
  • Hey There
    Hello Everybody- Right now I would give a lot to have a closed in area in my yard.. I have to take Christie out on a leach each time.. That takes a big chunck out of my day..She won't do anything for the hubby besides it seems she has decided to just play at times.. Schedules are out the window..
    Tops tonight.. My weight just stays the same no matter what I do.
    Tammy - You are lucky that your hubby feels that he needs to set everything in order for you. Mine will not even consider getting a will done..The best that I can do is get everything in both of our names and the kids as in trust. So far the house is in our names only. He is Greek ,old school, and the thought makes him think he is ready to die if he does anything else.. Ofcourse there have been nights lately when he has had indigestion that he thought he was on the way out..If he would do something besides set in a chair and watch Fox news he probably would feel better..
    Mima- Take care of yourself and let the rest take on their own problems. I know it is hard but we need to think of ourselves first...It will work out...
    Happy- You seem to be doing great... Sometimes I wish I could get out and work.. It isn't easy just being at home and trying to find ways to get through the day..My hubby would never go out of the house if I didn't think up things I need. He won't let me take the car. He thinks no one but him can drive that old 20 yr wreck..
    Hello Meme-- Joanne
  • I'm new to the fibromyalgia forum, and am also pretty much a shut-in. Lucky for me I have a great hubby who does all the grocery shopping and helps take care of our dogs and house. I worked in the medical field for 25 yrs before having to go on disibility. It's been hard on us financially with me not working, and I really packed on the pounds over the last 10 yrs that I've been home....but I'm finally getting myself more under control and as I'm losing weight, I seem to be able to do a bit more around here. The pain from the fibro is beyond tolerable some pain meds have helped at all. Does anyone have tips for dealing with it?
  • Hi LaBarb, welcome to our little corner of the web.

    I have FM and OsteoArthritis, and have also gained weight since I had to quit working. Most of it was gained from being inactive and from medication. The OA was the worst for me. Found and Upper Cervical Chiropractor and have had GREAT results. The OsteoArthritis has improved 90% and the FM has as well. I still have my days and I will NEVER be pain free, but it certainly is liveable. I HATE taking medication. The other thing that has caused me to gain weight is the medication for Atrial Fibrillation. You would think heart meds wouldn't do that, but they do. The Beta Blocker and the med for the Heart Rythum.

    Anyway, it is always an ongoing battle. Throw in a little age as well and you have the perfect senerio.

    Feel free to join in. We always love to have more people here.

    Joanne - Gosh, she can't be outside on her own? You don't have a fence? I am doing pretty darn good, but I do tend to push myself to much, and then I end up in trouble. I LOVE going to work. I wasn't ready to retire when I had to quit working, and I want it to be MY choice, not the choice of this darn body. Mind and body have to come together to gain acceptance, I believe.

    That would be the day, that hubby told me I couldn't drive the car. I swear I would take it out of spite

    I hope everybody has a good evening.
  • Thanks for the new thread, Anne.
    Hi Barb. I have had fibro since I was in my 20's and I am 69. I would suggest you try to nove a bit-even from the chair. Inactivity is so bad for fibro-I can hardly walk when I get out of the car.
    I did let go-I called Mike yesterday but chatted for a minute only-and Jessica-the problem was there from the beginning. She thinks she needs him too much and he walks all over her.That's what happens when you get rejected from your father.
    I got busy yesterday and today I am going to Auntie's and i got a good night's sleep.
    You should be all set with the way you put things in order, Joanne. We had a pole that stuck into the ground with a long run and tied it to Frankie to stay outside. There was a place for him to get shelter. It was so funny, even if it came off, he would stay there. And if his collar pulled off, he would wait for it to be put off. He was a funny dog.

    We brought back the old flooring and got our money back. And got some gray look likes tile for the bath. Josh should like that. If he moves out, I may move downstairs!! Hmmmm?
    Friend's taking me to lunch tomorrow.
    We are getting our check-she said she mailed it but it hasn't been cashed. I don't totally know if I believe her. But I don't care as long as we get the money-that is the first time that happened.
    I agree about the stress and my stomache. I am good today. I have been eating an apple a day. Mima
  • aha! fellow sufferers! Pain meds? Sometimes a dose of elavil does it for me. 10 mgm at night. It makes for its own fog but I can often wake up pain free. The fog goes by about 3 p.m. Some people need more. Can cause an arrythmia so careful.
  • Hellow mfb, welcome to our small group.

    Elavil didn't really do anything for me. I was already loopy on 10mg,can't imagine taking more. I would just lay on the couch as I couldn't seem to wake up. Meds affect each of us differently, that is for sure.

    Feel free to join in!
  • Mima - sounds like your apt. is coming along nicely. I can't stand to be in basements, because they ALL smell musty to me. I think I am OVER SENSITIVE to mold, due to the yeast problem.

    I am glad you are feeling better today. Stress really does a number on us at times.
  • Anne, I agree with you about the dentist! We need to make appointments, and we just haven't done it yet. I don't think Bob is ready to go right now though. I did laugh about your new glasses. I've been in that same situation, and it isn't that much fun.

    Joanne, we don't have a fenced in yard either. Kramer is always out on a leash which isn't as easy as just opening the door for him to go in and out. I guess I should feel glad that Bob wants to have all of this taken care of. I know when his parents passed away, there was so much to do, and his brothers were no help. It was all us. He keeps remembering that.

    Welcome to the group Barb!! Your weight loss is fantastic! What are you doing to lose??

    Also, welcome to MFB!!

    I was diagnosed in Aug. 3 years ago with fibro and osteoarthritis. Up until the spring of 2004, I had some knee pain and lower back pain which we now know is the arthritis. I had no fibro issues until I fell on the ice going into the school where I taught. Since I've retired, I've rarely had to take any pain meds. The last few weeks my husband was in the hospital and now recuperating at home. I've taken more medicine these few weeks than I have since I retired. Can anyone say stress??? I'm back to taking 2 relafen every morning. I have taken flexeril at night several times. There have been a couple of days where it hurt so bad, I broke down and took vicodin.

    I honestly think that I was getting more rest when Bob was in the hospital. Since he's home, I still have laundry to do of course, but now there is more. I am cooking, and when I was here by myself, I was just grabbing things. My chiro talked today about how tight my middle back was today and it hasn't been at all. She feels like it's stress. We sat and talked a little bit about everything that's going on, and of course, I cried.

    Tomorrow I'm taking the dog to the doggy hotel, Bob will be at home, and I'm going to Muncie for family weekend. I'll go to the football game, and then Tim and I will get together afterwards for dinner. One of Bob's friends is planning to come and spend part of that time with him so I don't have to feel like I have to rush back. Bob is capable of doing more than he was, BUT I don't want him getting totally worn out more than he is.

    I feel really guilty because there were a few times that I almost wished he was still at the hospital! I know things will keep getting better, and it will be easier when he isn't on the oxygen. Thanks for letting me vent a little ladies!
  • Things will settle in eventually, Tammy-still praying. Getting a break will help.
    Couples group was great-we have a new book and we have been talking about forgiveness.
    Alison is going to Homecoming tonight-can't wait to see pics.
    GF's are taking me to lunch.
    Barb-there is a reason you feel good after a good night's sleep-lack of deep sleep is one of the major causes of fibro. I actually take 3 meds now-trazedone, immipramine, and tylenol pm. That sounds terrible, doesn't it/ But I do slleep well. Walking also helps. Go to a rheumotologist-they are more up on fibro. Of course, they are pushing meds. I take Tolmetin for pain-it just keeps it manageable-in the background.
    Wow-we got home in time to see the Red Sox win the division and pop the champagne all over the place. 11 games to win the series!!!!
    Wow- I just saw you live in France, Barb. My grandmother's family came form there. In the 1800's. Probably my grandfather's also but I have only traced them to Canada. I have been to France.
    It's gorgeous this weekend. Fall is here. We still have no heat. But the apt is getting done. Mima
  • Today really helped me to get away for a while. Tim and I had a nice visit. Bob did fine without me being here. He did a load of laundry, and he emptied the dishwasher while I was gone. He said it's time to get up off his butt and do some things. He just can't overdo it. Got a paper from the insurance company today, that they aren't going to pay for the last 4 days he was in the hospital. Ummmm, couldn't they have contacted us when he was there so the social worker could have talked to them about why he was in those 4 days. I am not really happy with them right now.

    Today was an absolutely beautiful day for the football game. I had on a t-shirt and capris.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
  • Yes it was beautiful. One of my friend's forgot about lunch and took off for the day-we have to forgive each other-she is under a lot of stress.
    Alison did get her hair done-at least cut-after all that and no one said anything. PTL. I am so wheezy-and there is so much dust in the house. Hope I am ok.
    Brieanna will be baptized today. I got a bill and a letter from the eye doc-said I did not have preapproval. No one said for me to get it. Phone calls!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am glad Bob is doing well.
    I will let you know when Al's pictures are up. Mima
  • Hey There
    Welcome LoBarb and MFB-- Our group is small but we are always here for each other. Come on back and tell us something of yourselves..
    Tammy- It is always nice when the hubby is willing to help in the house.Mine will wach a dish sometimes. That is his limit..When we were first married and I was about 8+ months pregnant he helped me more. His brother came by one day when he was scrubbing the floor in the Kitchen.. He made fun of him for helping me.. That ended it..He is good at telling me how to do things !!!Insurence is really not there to help in a lot of cases..I would be yelling in your case..
    Mima- Why didn't the eye doctor just call and get the approvale?I bet it was one of their office clerks with the brains of a doornob..These Dr.s hire the ones that they can get the cheapest..The weather here is cooler,but, still hot, It was 90 yesterday..
    Happy- My stress level has been really high. I get Bloodwork tomorrow.. I bet my sugar is high..I am going to have to watch my diet better..I do pretty good until I spot the icecream in the fridg..
    Hello Meme... Have a Great Weekend..Joanne
  • Don't you buy the no sugar added , Joanne. Especially Blue Bunny. That's what Brad eats. I am like you-I love ice cream but it does a number on me/We saw Brieanne being baptized-Brad started crying so I did too. 2 of her friends were there. Friday we will all go to Springfield for Sherrill's bd. I bought her 2 joke books-she sure needs that. She is getting stronger.
    Saw pics of Alison. She looked nice. Glitzy earrings. She was so excited.
    Bye for now. Hi all. Mima

    Hiho-and it's off to work I go-my turn to drive. Leaving here at 7.
  • Hey There
    Mima- You are probably right. I usually buy lite.. I will compare labels next time I go to buy icecream..The cal. may be the same
    It looks like rain and then it goes away..
    It seems colds are going around here in our area.. Our is son sick with one.. I hope we don't get it. I try to press the point of getting the flu shot,but, you know they don't want to hear any advice..I say it anyhow.. All they have to do is plug their ears..
    I got hardly any sleep last night.. I hope tonight is better. I take tylenol pm and darvocet100 usually. I have been trying not to take the darvocet and take advil later in the night if I need it. Didn't work last night.
    Tammy- Hopefully your hubby will continue to be ok alone sometimes so you can get out and do the things you like..
    Hello Happy and Meme...Joanne