Tuesday Twitterings - September 18

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  • "Ear worm" for today:
    On a clear day, rise and look around you, and you'll see who you are.

    My house is a disaster! I have leftovers from the picture boards in the diningroom, my kitchen has dirty dishes, my art stuff is in the livingroom where I dumped it yesterday and my quilting stuff is ready to go on the kitchen table. Can you imagine the mess if I didn't live by myself?

    Time to do a major tidy before I leave for my quilting class. I need to get there early because I want to buy a lightweight sewing machine. We are supposed to bring our own to class but mine is just too darned heavy to lug from upstairs and out to the car! My sister has told me exactly what I need and I'm sure they sell them at the centre where I'll have my lessons.

    The furnace lad has me on his list today for mid-afternoon. I sure hope he makes it as it's darned cold in here - it's 48ºF outside and just a tad above that inside! I should be wearing gloves to type as my fingers are really cold.

    How's your day looking? Can you "see who you are"?
  • I can see who I am and wish there were 2 of me to get everything done!

    Ruth, hope you can find that new machine and have a blast at your quilting class. I would love to start quilting again...maybe when the grandkids start coming along I'll make some time. Also hope the furnace guy comes soon...brrrr. It is "barely" fall here..just barely.

    I had kind of a crazy day yesterday. I have been thinking about going back to teaching full time (the salary had about doubled since I quit teaching full time) and was going to tell the principal to keep me in mind if she had to replace a teacher next year. Then yesterday a teacher found out she had a new job with the school board as a teacher who goes around to schools to help out new teachers...a mentor. She will start in 6 weeks...so I went and told the principal I would be interested in taking over her class. Principal was thrilled. I've had years of experience, have had mentor teacher training etc where I could help and evaluate new teachers at the school. But the school board wanted to move a teacher over here from another school...principal is fighting for me to have the job. I've been at the school for 23 years with a 6 year break when I had a store. If I do get the job, I will have to give up my design clients or maybe just keep my favorite 2 since I won't be getting off of school at 12:30 anymore. Whatever happens will happen for a reason.

    Ya'll have a great day.
  • Hmmm, the house is tidy and neat except for my easy chair, which has my book and throw quilt tossed on it and magazines strewn on the floor around it. Jake's favorite spot on the sofa is strewn with the TV guide, remote, and candy wrappers. And his shoes, of course, he doesn't know how to put them away. But at least our houses looked "lived in", Ruth! Have a good time at your quilting class today, it sure sounds like fun! And I hope your furnace guy makes it out there. We're just a tad warmer than you, at 52* this morning.

    Cindy and I took the girls out horse-back riding through some tall grass yesterday, and I've been stuffed up and sneezing ever since. I guess I'm going to have to dig out my Claritin if we're going to be doing this every afternoon. There's nothing special on my to-do list for this morning, just puttering around here til it's time to pick up Maggie. Supper tonight is going to be left-over pork tenderloin cooked in marinara sauce over spagetti squash for me, and over "real" pasta for Jake.

    Cat, I hope you get that teaching job! Funny, I was just talking to a friend yesterday about me, going back to school for my teaching degree. I'm only in the "thinking" stages of it for now, though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  • good morning ladies!
    Another beautiful, clear, sunny, but cool day here. This kind of weather really gives me a kick start. Just a normal day here, school, work, other stuff in between. I'm going to hang out a load of wash, put some soup beans in the crockpot, walk the kids to school, and get down to work.
    I won't describe my house right now, it would take too long!
    Ruth, I make at least as much mess as the kids do, unfortunately!
    Cat, good luck with the job!
    cottage, I was thinking I might take up horseback riding when I get smaller. My kids love it, I've never done it. There's a great farm near here where the kids take lessons.
    Sounds like Jake is still hanging in there with the non-smoking - that's wonderful!

    Everybody have a good one!
  • Oh what a beautiful mooooooorrrrrrrrrnnnnnnniiiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg.... .

    Morning girls! I slept SO WELL last night! Took me a bit to fall asleep because I was watching Frasier on TV instead of shutting my eyes, but holy cow I feel great today! Just a quick fly-by as I have to get ready for work.

    Ruthie, I hope you're feeling better today with all your busy bee things to do.

    Have a good day girlies!

  • Morning Ladies, and a beautiful morning it is! For once my house isn't looking to bad other than the knitting taking up my rocking chair. I am working my project and now working my daughters as she made a mistake in hers and I spent a good amount of time lastnight tearing it apart and fixing it.

    Ruth have a great time quilting, I took a class with my mother-in-law one time and we had great fun! Would love to get back into it but I need a new sewing maching first and frankly there always seems to be something else to spend the money on!

    Kat Hope if this position is meant to be for you, it comes through!

    Cottage I can't help but think of my sore behind last time I went horseback riding! It was a blast though!

    Schmoodle My soup beans turned out good this weekend with the exception that "someone" seemed to put a bit much cayanne pepper in them. Whoooo Wheee! Aren't spicy foods good for the metabolism??? I think given time I can rationalize anything!

    Me Just another busy day at work, the end of the month is looming and I am far from my goal! Local festival starts in town tomorrow night, food porn everywhere! Lots of Will Power dust please!

    Have a great day all!
  • Lisa we were cross posting, just wanted to say I am happy that you are doing well and love seeing this "new you" posting!
  • Pacer, it's the old me! I'm on my way back, baby!

    Incidentally.... Go Cubs Go! Go Cubs Go! Hey Chicago, whadda you say? The Cubs are gonna win today.....

    STUCK IN MY HEAD. That song will never go away after last night's game. Scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 9th to win. HOLY COW. It's gonna be a good day!
  • Good morning all - does anyone have an extra cup of coffee? (complete with the cup?) I'm so out of it this morning, I walked out of the house with out my mug! I can't believe I did that. The ride in was rough - it's a 45 minute drive with out coffee... bad! So, I stopped at DD and got one. I wanted SF vanilla, but they gave me French Vanilla roast instead. It's not bad, but I couldn't drink it in the car because it was bitter. So, I had to wait till I got to work to add the Splenda.

    I DID remember my lunch, but forgot my Agave syrup - sitting next to my coffee! I think I'm going to crawl under my desk, or find an empty conference room and hide for the rest of the day. If this is how it started, I can't imagine what it's going to progress to be!

    Hope everyone has a great OP day! I'm going to go hide now.
  • Morning Chicks!

    Ruth: Brrrrr! I can't imagine it being that cold already, but I guess you're used to it. That furnace man better get there today or he'll have some angry Sbers to deal with!

    Cat: That sounds like a great opportunity for you! I'm sure it will work out for the best and that if you're meant to have that job, you'll get it! I'll be sending happy thoughts your way!

    Oops, hold on a sec. The coffee's ready and I need some! I'm dragging this morning!
  • Okay, got the coffee and now I can be cheerful!

    cottage: Brrrr for you, too! We're at 70* this morning! I hope those allergies clear up, but I'm sure that horseback riding was a lot of fun for you, Cindy and the girls.

    Shmoodle: I love the fresh, bright mornings as well. I just hate having to wear shades all the time as I head east for work in the morning and west for home at sunset. I hope you have a great day!

    Lisa: I agree with Pacer, I love the "old" you! You're doing so well and I'm so happy for you! I'm glad the cubs won for ya!

    Pacer: The festival sounds like fun! Can you believe the end of the month is almost here? I can't! Hope you get all your tasks done in time!

    Mare: I'm sending coffee complete with a cup your way! Sounds like an awful drive! I sometimes feel like I can't make my 3-min commute without coffee, but 45-minutes, phew! Hope the day picks up from here!

    ME: I spent the night last night with DH's boss' wife as DH and his boss are out of town. We had a lot of fun, had a great dinner of sauteed shrimp with broccoli and brown rice, and stayed up too late. I'm staying there tonight as well and will have to put my foot down as far as bedtime goes. Yeah right, like that's going to happen!

    I don't have a lot to do today. Just some busy work and a few errands. I've got dry cleaning to pick up for DH and some groceries to get. I'll have to go "big" grocery shopping tomorrow, but I just don't have it in me today. The house is neat as I straightened it up before packing last night, but it does need dusting and sweeping and mopping and vacuuming. I'll do that tomorrow night. Since I'm not home to see it, who cares?!

    Well, time to get to work. I sure am getting going slowly this morning. More coffee, please! Have a great day!
  • I think it's the day of forgotten coffee!!!! DH was only supposed to work for a half hour last night and that turned info 5 hours so I had to scoot in unexpectedly No D&D and I'm craving sugar like the cookie monster! I put some protien powder in some plain and hopefully that quells the beast!
    according to the WW scale last night I'm down to 140 (tho my scale says 137) so I'm 1 lb away from knocking this plateau to kingdom come!!
    That is the only thing keeping me out of the candy machine!
    Miso soup and leftover sashimi should help too
    Ruth Who I am is kinda tired! and addicted to coffeeeee!
    CAt I hope you get the job!!
    Cottage the riding sounds great I've always wanted to do it!
    Schmoodle how long do the beans take in the crock pot? do you do the whole soup?
    Lisa! You are just chock full of awesomeness lately! I hope the corn is as high as an elephants eye for you today!!
    Mare Make some Room under the desk!
    Kim I'm so glad you had a good night!
  • I was a bit sleepy on my 40 minute drive this morning. I've been taking Benedryl for my poison oak. I think it helped me sleep last night but I don't need that when driving here. I was glad to get to the office to get my tea.

    Tonight we have a pack meeting. I need to be there and set up to sell hot dogs starting at 6:30 but the cubmaster wants me to show a video tonight on selling popcorn so I need to get there even earlier so I can get my laptop and projector set up. And I know that Brian wants to try to sell a little popcorn first. It will all depend on how quickly I can get out of work today.
  • Barb - try kids benedryl for the day. I get sever poison ivy reactions (usually a month straight of Prednisone, and steroid RX creams...) and I can't do the adult benedryl when I need to be awake, but the kids stuff takes the edge off enough so I can function, yet doesn't make me so sleepy and out of it that I need to take a nap.
  • Kier,
    My soup beans take a long time but they are pretty simple. I save a ham bone when I have it and boil it up in water for a couple of hours. Then cut any meat from the bone into bits, strain the broth, and refrigerate overnight. In the morning you can take any solidified fat off the top. I also soak a pound of dried beans overnight to get them ready - any kind you like. Then: ham broth, beans, ham, garlic, an onion in quarters, any veggies you like (except tomatoes), salt and pepper, and a sprinkle (or more) of crushed red pepper. This is actually the first time doing them in the crock pot, I usually do it stovetop, so I'll let you know how it turns out, can't see why it shouldn't. I started them at high, but I'll turn them down to low and let them cook all day. If you want tomatoes, you have to put them in after the beans are soft, because otherwise they'll stay hard. At the end, I take out a couple of cups of beans and mash them up, then return to the pot. If you don't have a ham bone, you can just use some ham, or sausage, or vegetable broth, liquid smoke, etc. This makes a lot and freezes well.

    I am mad at myself though, I put the ham bone on to boil after dinner last night, turned it off and left it to cool while I read to the kids and got them settled down, forgot it, and found it sitting out this morning. My DH and neighbor both thought that it should be fine since it is ham and it was cool last night, so I hope we don't get sick from it!