Hand to mouth disease...Stressers.

  • Is there a dedicated thread to daily advice for things that are stressing us out and creating the never ending munching? If not, shouldn't we start one?

    I have seen several threads of people asking about stressful situations and what to do. Why isn't there a 'thing' just for those stressers? If I could jump on here and ask about why this or that is happening or what to do when that thingy did that one thing, I would be alot less likely to go and grab food. The same things goes for the other way around. If I can coem tot he forums and hand out advice about dogs, or kids, or what that noise is the car is making, when I am wanting a snack, then I would be able to help myself and others.

    Just a thought
  • Hi Kati . There's a Weekly Planning/Accountability/Menus Thread. It's a great chatty bunch there. They basically talk about how their day/week is going and recieve lots of positive feedback and support from one another.
    Sounds to me like it just might be what you're looking for.

    If there's ever a thread that you'd like to start, on any particular subject, please feel free to do so.
  • Rockin, I was thinking more along the lines of stressers that cause us to eat, not things that are related to eating. Such as a kid having problems, or a death, or finance problems, or that kind of thing.