Renewed determination .......

  • in the weigh in thread I said I appeared to have maintain this week. This was bound to happen. I have been slacking somewhat. I am still careful of what I eat but not as well as I should have been. I have not been exercising like I should be. Mainly my exercise has been a once a month marathon of grass cutting (4 days worth). I have given every excuse in the book for not exercising but not anymore. I can give no valid excuse for not doing what I need to do. If I want the rest of this weight off and I want to keep it off I need to exercise. I need to just get out there and do it. Or at the very very least just pop a tape or dvd in the player and just do it inside.

    So that is my renewed determination I will get up off my tail and do this like I need to.

  • Good for you! Start with something easy, work your way up! A short walk, not a marathon!

  • Alright! You sound ready!!! Good luck with your renewed motivation, I am sure you will do it!!!!
  • amberth,

  • Renewed determination........ I like that.

    Every now and then, from time to time we need to face up to what's really been going on. Reaccess, regroup and refocus. Sound like that's just what you've done. Good luck. You'll get there.