wwwwwhhhhhhhhhoooo hhhhhhhhhooooooooo

  • I know that I posted last week that i was going to try going on express. Well, I did it last week, & this week I am down 4.8!!!!
  • Hooray!!!
  • WOW WOW WOW 50 pounds gone. Keep it up!!!!!!!
  • That's wonderful. Maybe *I* should try that!!!
  • Which Express plan did you do?
    Quote: I know that I posted last week that i was going to try going on express. Well, I did it last week, & this week I am down 4.8!!!!
    Did you do the Express plan that is the first two days (includes the Take Off drink and unlimited protein and green veggies?) or the 4 week Express Plan that is part of the new numbered plans?

    I wish they would think of different titles to call these plans. Very confusing.

  • Congrats!! That is an amazing loss. Definitely fill us in on what you did exactly!
  • I did the new plan that lasts for a month. I told her that I actually *cheated* 2 times, ate things that were not on express, but were on the old plan, like 1 time I had a taco, & she said that that was fine, it was to be expected.
  • FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations on your success!
  • Wow that is great!
  • What is the new express plan that lasts a month?
  • Fantastic results! Keep up the good work!
  • Dan ..so good to hear from you,,,I have been gone for a bit....nice to see familiar peeps...nance
  • Congratulations!! 50 lbs. is an amazing feat! I can't wait until I get there. I still have 26 more lbs. to go (half-way there!)