Cool Runners - September

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  • Well, a new month, and no doubt some (slightly) cooler weather to make outside runs a bit easier...!

    I love the autumn, and I am really looking forward to doing one run a week (at least) out of doors this month. I've set a goal of 50 miles for myself this month, and I will only count the miles RUN, not walking as a warm up or cool down.

    Today is a day off.

    Welcome to September!!

  • Day off today 1/2 mary tomorrow but just as a training run with support

  • Good luck Lisa!

    I had a rest day yesterday, today is an 11.15 mile leg of a cross country relay race which should be different... if we don't get lost!
  • Woohoo! My first half marathon is finally done!

    I've had some twinges and aches and pains leading up to the race but really, everything went quite smoothly today. It was very sunny, especially on that last 2 mile stretch on the boardwalk, but it was beautiful finishing the race with the ocean right beside us. I didn't walk at all, and I finished in 2:32:52. My average pace was 11:41, which is not bad at all for me on a long run like that. I had to dodge quite a few walkers, which took some time, but I was close enough to 2:30 to feel quite proud of myself!! My pace got a bit faster as I went, according to the records. I did feel myself sort of getting stronger around mile 10 to mile 12, and then it was just a push to the end. My husband and our friend were on the side right before the finish line, cheering me on. My husband ran it in 1:36:53 and his friend was 1:35:05, even though they both had injuries troubling them!! Speedy freaks!

    Anyway, it was really fun, and I decided I love this distance. I'll definitely do more half marathons in the future! We're still at the beach, so I plan to attend the free concerts tonight and celebrate. I'll be back to a regular running schedule and running with my students next week, but I'm going to take it rather easy this week!

  • Lisa you are awesome!!!
  • Well done Lisa, it's good to hear you had a good time!
  • Woohoo Lisa! Awesome Job!

    Just got back from my half, it was hilly in spots and hot in spots but fortunately rarely at the same time. I was surprised to be able to haul in a new PR today coming off the relay so very happy.
  • Congrats, Lisa on your 1st half! Congrats ennay on your PR!

    Ran 2.5 miles this morning, with one walk break. Getting there. No Kenyans today.

  • Lisa, I'm so happy for you, tears actually came to my eyes reading your post (but it is that time of month )!!

    Way to go, girl!!!
  • Congratulations to both Lisa and Ennay!! Awesome accomplishments for both of you today!
  • SO..... the pace predictor calculators all put me in a marathon time of 4:02-4:03. I think if the forecast for portland is cool and/or cloudy I am going to sign up for the 4 hour pace team.
  • Quote: SO..... the pace predictor calculators all put me in a marathon time of 4:02-4:03. I think if the forecast for portland is cool and/or cloudy I am going to sign up for the 4 hour pace team.
    That is awesome! What is BQ for you? 3:45? (Not that you should necessarily try for it this time.)

  • Quote: That is awesome! What is BQ for you? 3:45? (Not that you should necessarily try for it this time.)

    yeah 3:45...not a chance in heck. I think 4 is a pretty long shot this time around, but I would have to run 8:35's....thats pushing my best 10K pace.

    I'm hoping to BQ in the 40-45 age kids will be in preschool but I wont be back to work yet so I will have more training time....hopefully then.
  • ennay, you rock!

    My legs are sooooo sore today! I have a question for the more experienced runners: how much time do you take off to recover after a race? I bought a book today called "Run Fast" by Hal Higdon, and in it he recommends a rest of 7 days after a half marathon. I want to run with my students tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday, but I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't. It's easy for my husband, because he can run with the kids and make it a really easy run, but for me it's more of a challenge to run with them. If I don't run with them, I won't have time to run at all. How much time do you guys take off after a 1/2, or I should much time after your FIRST half?

    I bought this book about increasing your speed because I've decided that's my goal now. I know I'll never be superfast, but I'd like to work up to a respectable speed for my age and ability. I've increased my endurance so much - it just seems like the next step to work on speed. And I know I can improve, so why not go for it? Running with my cross country team is making me faster anyway.
  • Hey Lisa,

    I read somewhere (sorry for the lack of attribution for further reference), that you should take a rest/easy day for each mile. So a marathon gets you 26 days, and a 5K gets you three.

    I wish I could remember what I did. Being a triathlete, the obvious thing for me to do would be to do a lot of swimming. You are getting to be pretty experienced. Listen to your body. Do what you feel like--if you feel off, do less. If you feel up to it, do more.
