Changing my weigh in date!

  • I've become obsessed with weighing myself lately. I saw that a few people weigh in once a month so that's what I'm going to do too. I'm going to commit to the next two months September and October and only weigh in once in each one. Yesterday, I weighed in at 262 and that's it. Sept. 30 and October 31st I'm weighing in. If that doesn't help, I dunno... I just am too obsessed with the scale!!
  • I'd sleep with my scale if my husband would scoot over.

    A month seems like a long time to me because I like to know where I stand all the time. I like to know what works and what doesn't and to me, anyway, that is determined primarily by the scale.

    I also know that it's a lot harder for me to stay on the straight and narrow when I don't have the scale waiting for me. I need the accountability.

    I wish you luck with it but there's nothing wrong with once a week either; lots of chicks do that.
  • Congratulations on a good decision, I am a formerly scale obsessed dieter , I am much happier and less stressed now that I don't weigh myself several times a day.
  • I don't know. Fluffy's idea sounds nice too. Twice a month might be better.

    The thing is the scale has been moving the past week or two and for some reason I'm not satisfied. I've lost 4 lbs. That's perfect. It's healthy. I know that it is...logically. I keep telling myself slow and steady. I just get this huge disappointment when I weigh and see only a small change and the few times I've weighed in only to have the scale say something crazy to be extremely frustrated. They're are times where I weigh in everyday of the week at the same weight and then boom 3lbs more the next day only for the following day for things to go back to normal. I don't know why I keep feeling like 100lbs should disappear in 6 months. It's just ridiculous.