How's it going Mug?

  • How was your day?
  • Well yesterday I stayed home from work. I just didn't feel like facing anything and just wanted the comfort of being in bed. I am back today, feeling a little bit better, but not a lot. Thanks for asking about me!
  • Hi mug! I think about you every morning when I take the smiley pill. Not sure if most of the world would consider that a compliment! But it's so reassuring to know I'm not the only one who melts down without them.
  • Quote: Hi mug! I think about you every morning when I take the smiley pill. Not sure if most of the world would consider that a compliment! But it's so reassuring to know I'm not the only one who melts down without them.
    Shoot, I am glad to know I am not alone too! Thanks for checking on me everyone, it makes me feel good.