I need God in my Life

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  • Do you have friends, neighbors or co workers who attend church?
    If so ask them where they go to church and tell them what you told us, they might offer to go with you. Yes, you can just walk in and sit down, someone may greet you , tell them it is your first time. I go to a Presbyterian church but also have been a Baptist. Any protestant church would be O.K. untill you find one you like.What churches are in your neighborhood? You could also call them and see what time thier services are.I wish I lived near you and I could take you.God bless you. Please come back and let us know how it is working.
  • What city do you live in? Maybe there is a 3FC member who can help you with a church in your town.When you went to that church when you were 13 do you remember what denomination it was?If you remember , you might want to start with that same denomination.Most churches nowadays have a web site , you might try googling some for your city.That will give you an idea what that church is like. You could call and ask to speak to a pastor and tell him just exactly what you have told us.I pray that you will find what you are looking for.
  • It was a non-denomination church. Im in the dallas area.
  • I think it's great you want God in your life! I am in the process of jumping into a totaly new youthgroup. It took my family three or four diffrent churches to find the right one so all I can say is get out there where your comfortable! Maybe try reading your Bible, it may help you find a church.

    With prayer,

  • Stacie, I live in the Dallas area as well. I live in Lewisville specifically and in your other thread you mentioned that you were going to try a local church of christ. If you are any where near the Lewisville area, check out http://www.chofchrist-lewisville.org/. It is a good church and it's got a good variety of people which I like, plenty of young people. I am about to start going back myself and hopefully my husband will choose to go with me as well. I'm 23 myself and a college student, just to give you a little background. It does take several tries before finding a church you like. I always grew up in churches with ministers that only preached about **** and what not to do and if you did do it well you're going straight to ****, it was very intimidating to say the least :-). They never spoke about the good things of being a christian,etc. This church is lovely and not like that at all and it took me a while to find one, and they have different people and guest speakers from time to time. There is a also a big variety of groups such as young married couples, youth groups for all different ages, and I think even a college youth group. A little advice if you go to one of the classes before the main sermon time starts you will meet a lot of people faster that way especially in your age group. Also feel free to PM me.

    Best of luck to you in your new path!
  • I am really, really, REALLY uncomfortable with this thread and your other thread. Changing religions/faiths is a huge personal choice and takes thought and preparation. In one of your posts, you say you believe in the things that Christians believe in, but you seem unclear as to exactly what that is and the differences between different denominations. The absolutely BASIC issue here is that you should recognize that ALL Christians, by definition, believe that Jesus is the son of God. This is so very basic that it makes me think that you need to do some real research and soul searching before making such an important decision. "Needing God in your life" can be addressed in many ways -- are you needing religious direction? A social group? A reconnection with tradition and ritual? A sense of community??? Going to a church isn't going to address these issues. You really, really, REALLY should sit down with a trusted family member or friend or religious advisor (local rabbi, local priest, local imam, whomever!) to sort this out. And who knows, Christianity may not be for you? You may be a closet Buddhist for all you know!!! You need to make these choices for the right reasons and get a real sense of what you are doing...
  • Okay first of all, I sayed my family is Jewsish, since when do you have to belief what others believe. I know what christianinty is. I just didnt know about all the different kinds. JUST BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS JEWISH WHO BY THE WAY DONT PRATCICE THE RELIGION DOESNT MEAN THATS WHAT I HAVE TO BE. Ive sayed that since I was young that Im not a jew, I dont believe in what they believe.

    You know what Im not sorry this thread made you uncomfortable. Im going to express my need for god in every which way I can. If you dont like it, dont read it.

    Wow!!! Hows that for just waking up reading one of my threads and now Im upset. And yes this post is rude, again if you dont like it, then dont read it!!!
  • Hi there. Sorry my post seemed to upset you so much. I personally don't really care much one way or the other what you believe. Seriously. You can believe in UFOs and worship little green aliens if you want to. All I am saying is that when a person decides to pursue a faith, a little advice and a little research may be in order. What has made me uncomfortable in all this is that the issue of self-exploration hasn't really been mentioned. Lots of people are willing to give you church addresses and meeting times, but the fundamentals of what you are believing in haven't been addressed.
    Most, if not all, religions encourage study into your faith - most Christian denominations believe that baptism and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is a key element. They offer pre-baptism courses in order to prepare you for your entrance into their community. Some believe that witnessing to others is essential. Others feel that speaking in tongues is vital. With respect to other religions, there are courses of study if you want to convert to Judaeism. And to Islam. And to Buddhism.
    All I am saying is that an expression of faith, whatever you choose it to be, is more than going to a church service once or twice a week. Thats all.
    Sorry to have upset you.
    Best of luck in the future.
  • WOW!! I know it takes more than going to church once or twice a week, that not at all what I was getting at that I just want to go to church. Thanks but no thanks for your advice or suggestions or whatever you call what you sayed to me.
  • Freimaya- Stacie is trying to do research. That's why she is asking about all of these different denominations of Christianity. I've been born and raised in a religious home going to church all of my life at every single church meeting that there was and I don't know about all of the denominations and what exactly they believe and what the differences are. Sorry that this thread made you uncomfortable but I don't exactly see why.
  • I must admit, I'm confused too. What exactly about this thread that made you (Freimaya) so uncomfortable? Simply that Stacie, according to you, is not aware of all of the differences between the Christian denominations? I'm sure she'll eventually figure that out for herself, if she hasn't already. Sure, as you mature into the faith, you'll start doing more than just going to church, but as a beginning step, church is crucial.

    In addition, Stacie can also watch different sermons on the Church Channel, which I get on my Directv network. Not sure about others. Plus, reading bible.com online, or even checking out various faith books through the library.

    In all honesty, I kinda get the impression Freimaya that between the lines, you're a bit upset with her choosing to attend a Christian church, since you're a bit adamant on self-exploration first issue. Self-exploration is fine, indeed, even a priority, but why could Stacie attend church at the same time?

    By the way Stacie, I recommend watching Joyce Meyer on tv if you can. She doesn't do sermons, but she teaches life lessons from the Bible, and has been really helpful to me personally.
  • I am going to jump in here and say that, although I didn't get the impression or the others of you either, I think FREIAMAYA got the impression that Stacie was seeking her "spirituality" lightly.

    I don't think FREIAMAYA meant any harm at all and was actually trying to be helpful ~ the same way we all are.

    I am calling a TRUCE here gals...okie-dokie? WINK

    Let's all move past this and continue to give "loving" advice as God would want us to.
  • Quote: I am going to jump in here and say that, although I didn't get the impression or the others of you either, I think FREIAMAYA got the impression that Stacie was seeking her "spirituality" lightly.

    I don't think FREIAMAYA meant any harm at all and was actually trying to be helpful ~ the same way we all are.

    I am calling a TRUCE here gals...okie-dokie? WINK

    Let's all move past this and continue to give "loving" advice as God would want us to.
    Ohhhh......now I understand. My bad. Truce.
  • Stacie, I hope you don't get upset by some of the previous comments.That other person is forgetting that you have very little experience with churches that is why you are asking.I see that you have a yearning to know God and I hope you will find a church that will fill your needs.