EFS start 08/15

  • I know it may be kind of odd to start on a wednesday..but I am not a fan of mondays and tuesday night is my last "free night of the summer" so to speak..a best friends bday and that comes will all sorts of bad things. I kind of fell off the FS wagon..it was not motivating enough for me and I think it is better used for those needing to lose a sufficient amount of weight. I think the EFS will be perfect for me and if it works out I'll be doing it until I reach my GW.

    Anyone starting wednesday??
  • You might be starting alone, but I hope you'll post your progress anyway Have you made out your menu and schedule?
  • The night before I went to start it I had a breakdown and I was in tears because my life for the rest of the summer can not work with the EFS. I'm not trying to use the events I have as excuses but I have had 2 wedding showers, a baptism, 2 weddings, etc, etc, and I cannot go to these things with containers of food and if I eat healthy at them it still won't matter because it will not be the food required on the EFS. Therefore I cannot wait until school starts because I will have more of a schedule and I will be starting then. I cannot wait! and I will definetly be posting my progress =) until then!
  • EFS is a very strict meal plan, there is no doubting that. At the same time, if you really want to you can always go to the events and just not eat if you really wanted to start it early (but lets be honest, who wants to do that?). I know this is supposed to be a forum of encouragement to resist temptaion and whatnot, but I'll let you know what I'd do....

    Enjoy those events. The weddings, yada yada yada. Just enjoy them. However, when you are not at the those specific events, stay on your old plan of just FS. You have obviously concluded that you are going to eat at these things, go right ahead. But don't use this time as an all-you-can-stand-to-eat-gorge-yourself-fest. You would regret that more and more as your clothes get tighter and tighter. Also, you have set a date to start. Don't deviate from it. I have not completely been following it as intense as I have needed to do over the last couple of days, so let me know when your first day back on it is and I will go the course with you.
  • OMG, Amanda!
    OMG!!! NatetheGreat is so right on!!! He/she(???) has nailed the biggest problen we all have...........that need to be "perfect". So what if we have all those events coming up where we will have food choices? SO WHAT????

    Does that mean we can't embrace ("follow") a plan known as EFS as BEST WE CAN???

    Of course not!! IF we start on FS or EFS, and we go to an event and deviate somewhat, SO WHAT??? SO WHAT???

    We just get back on plan.

    We don't have to be perfect on any plan to lose weight, to change our eating patterns.........

    Embrace FS or EFS, and if life happens, just get back on track.

    Our biggest obstacle as fat people is thinking we have to be perfect......that the "diet" has to be perfect, or we won't lose weight.

  • I'm a dude, but thanks for agreeing with me mary.....

    (how many women are named nate out there?)
  • lol thank you both. You are right..if one day is a little out of order..it's okay. Well I am a starting the EFS a week from today. Cycle 1 starting August 27. I am using this week to get back into my good gym habits and to stock up on what I need. No ifs ands or big buts lol..1 week until EFS it is!