08/13/07 NEW ALLI Thread, support each other here!

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  • Welcome to a new week with ALLI!
    I hope all of you had a good week last week, unlike me! But we are all here to get and give support....
    Lets have a SUPER week this time and all have lots of losses to report!
  • Stilltryin...this week is going to be better, you WILL get back the control! I know you can do it!!!

    I certainly took the control yesterday. There were several times I tried to talk myself into having an off day, but I did not! I did allow myself some sugarfree Dryers icecream last night w/ sugarfree huckleberry topping. I was on the low side of calories so it was my treat. I'm kinda thinking that the icecream is a loss staller for me though. Got in a nice bikeride last night despite the smoke! I'm ready to have another successful day, are you?

    Shine on Alligators!!!
  • Travelin, your trip to the mountains sounds great! Busch Gardens was so hot when we were there, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I would have if it would have been cooler.

    Stilltryin, I agree that this will be a good week for all of us!!

    Melissa, I'm with you on having a good day.
  • OH I definately need the GOOD DAY!..lol But so far it has been good. I had a bowl of branflakes with skim milk and a lowfat yogurt. Then for lunch I had a bowl of chili. I am ready to have my fiber bar snack and then tonight it is pork loin seasoned with lemon pepper and garlic, some corn on the cob and a salad.
    I hope that should help get my system back into the VERY LITTLE junk food mode!

    I am going to delay weighing in until Friday this week. I think I just will not be able to manage the scale until I have at least 4 GOOD days ahead of me.
  • Hi guys, I am so happy to be back on track again. Eating good, doing cardio, no cheating. I was a bit stressed out today at the office and started thinking about chocolate and chips, but I held it together and had some sugar free gum.

    I'm better now. I hope everyone has a really good week.
  • Another week, another thread. I was a good girl today and turned down the white choc chip macadamia nut cookie that was offered me. Just about killed me, but if I didn't have a taste of it, I didn't miss it. If I'd had one, I would have had two, then three, and... well you know how it goes.

    Drat! Cable just went out. Guess I have no excuse and will have to exercise!
  • Stilltryin, your food sounds pretty good for today! Way to go! I won't even begin to say what my day of eating was like other than I'll do better tomorrow. lol

    Thingirl, good for you for staying away from the chips and chocolate!

    Bobbigene, wow to turning down that cookie!! I'm impressed!!!
  • Quote: Another week, another thread. I was a good girl today and turned down the white choc chip macadamia nut cookie that was offered me.
    Ohhh... a cookie like that would have just about killed me too. Good for you for turning it down!
  • Hello All!!

    Glad to have found a place that I can somewhat navigate. I started the Alli program 2 weeks ago. I have been trying to use the message boards on their website, but can never find the thread that I posted too!!

    This looks a little more friendly!!

    So my check in for today is:

    Lost 10 pounds the first week

    Lost 2 pounds this weeks.

    Guess I am doing good. I've been really watching my fat intake and have noticed that on a lot of the meals I am not meeting my fat quota -- the posts that I have read are saying that I need to keep up the fat intake to the recommended for weight loss plan. I am finding this a hard concept to get through my head. I have been taught over the years that I need to keep that fat intake down and now they are saying keep it down but up to a certain point. I guess that is the hardest thing that I am fighting with on the program. All those foods that I have made virtually non-fat I have to add some fat back into them --- hahahahaha

    Anyone else finding this a problem?

    Liz in Northern California
  • Well ladies/gents, I had a pretty good day yesterday and then did kinda ok last night. I resisted the leftover birthday cake. But I did have some "real" mashed potatoes with CREAM!!! OMG! But I did eat my pork loin and corn and some squash. So I am getting there again. I managed to pack a lunch again today which always helps me. So, for breakfast today I had a bowl of chex, skim milk and a Yo+ yogurt. I have a ham sandwhich on w. wheat bread with mustard for lunch with another yo+. Then I have a Fiber bar for snack and banana.
  • Liz, you are doing great!! I laughed when I read about having to add fat back into things. I think we are all experiencing the same thing.

    Stilltryin, I don't think I could resist the birthday cake. Good for you!

    I off to help out at a blood drawing. I'm one of the people that gets to pass out cookies! I hope I don't decide to eat them instead!!!!
  • Morning!

    Well I have to say that even though I tried my best to fall off the wagon last night I some how stayed buckled in!

    Made it through lunch OK. Then had a very stressful afternoon at the office. One of my "triggers". Had to go to the grocery to pick up stuff for supper. Got the chicken and veggies, but then I also bought pop tarts, creme horns, and vanilla wafers. Got home to unload groceries and one bag ripped and spilled everywhere. Well the dog decided I had dropped it for him and ran off with the creme horns, the only thing that wasn't in a box or can. Good thing because I probably would have eaten all 6 of them. Picked up the rest of the boxes went in and was going to have a pop tart. Stale. Stale to the point that the other dog wouldn't even eat it! Strike two. Opened the vanilla wafers, had two and said to myself, this is stupid! Stop! So I put the box up, went out and cut the grill on and fixed supper.

    My point - there are somedays that absolutely nothing goes as planned. I'm glad in my case that it didn't! Otherwise I probably would be paying for it now!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Good Tuesday morning alligators!!!

    Thingirl...way to go on staying away from those cravings!!! Sugarfree gum is a huge help there. Did you also know that peppermint helps with cravings too. The smell of it is supposed to get rid of cravings. Break out the peppermint candles girls! LOL!

    Bobbie...excellent job turning down the cookie!!! Keep it up!!

    Liz... Wow you are doing excellent so far with Alli!! Its definetly a hard concept of getting in more fat. I'm supposed to be doing 19 grams and it can be tough. Learned a couple of little tricks though, so far so good! Keep up the GREAT work!!! You are quite an inspiration!

    Stilltryin...did you eat dinner at my house? LOL! We had pork tenderloin, mashed taters but we had broccoli instead of corn and squash LOL! Sounds to me like you did great! Excellent plan for today!! Keep up the good work, see you can turn it all around!

    katallan....talk about divine intervention huh?! LOL!! Someone wants you to succeed!
  • Well, no exercise for me yesterday. Too smoky for bike rides and my plan was to do my elliptical while I watched Fat Smart but had some other things to do instead so I'll take care of that today. During the day I got so busy working on stuff for PTA that I forgot to eat lunch, when I finally realized it was 330 and I still wasnt hungry. When I ate dinner I got full so fast. I know Alli isnt supposed to have that kind of effect but it sure does for me. I can have a WW meal and a salad now and be full. Weird.

    Took our dog to the vet yesterday, shes got ear infections in both ears and a bladder infection. Good times trying to medicate her!

    Have a fabulous day today everyone!! Be strong and keep the control!
  • OMG how frustrating I've eaten what I was supposed to. I've ridden my bike and hiked all this week and sure enough when I step on the scale it was the same! I was so aggraveted and bent out of shape on Friday that I went out for pizza and drinks. I haven't had any TE's to speak of. I'm wondering if Alli is even working!?! I'm going to give it until the end of the bottle. I'm definitely not buying a new bottle unless I see results.
    Alli has to work because I'm going to Cancun in December with a really skinny girl and I'll be damned if I'm going to be constantly feeling like a !