Do any of you do COre with Low fat dairy options?

  • I want to take break from points but I don' thave any FF dairy I have a TON of LF/RF do you all think it's poss to do core that way?
  • Technically you should be using your 35 points for any non-fat free dairy you use. How much do you use daily? If you using low fat milk in your coffee, it may be one or two points a day which is not too much. If your drinking lf milk or eating regular fat yogurt the points could be much higher. I try not to use more than 5 extra points a day - or none if I want to splurge on the weekend.

    I find if I use low fat milk for coffee or tea I don't count it - as I may be having a couple of table spoons at a time and only once or twice a day. When I have cereal, I use ff milk as I would not want to have to count those points.

  • i know it isnt core but i do. i drink about 24-32 oz 1 p milk a week and about 1 serving of lf cheddar that i use on a brocolli dish i make. i also eat bread daily and use a special mix of 1 tb oil to a small jar of ff mayo for sandwiches

    oh yeah i also eat 1/2 of 1 slice of lf american 1-2x week

    hehe i also combine ff mozzerella w lf and ff ricotta w lf 1x a week
  • I think regardless of everyone else's experiences, you have to gauge how your body reacts to it. When I'm following core, I allow myself FF/SF Yogurt, as well as low fat mayo instead of FF. Neither of those foods are trigger foods for me so I don't abuse them, and still have success. But as I said, it's all about how you use the food and how your body takes to it. I think the first week, in my own experiences anyway, Core is such a change for the body that the LF milk shouldn't be a problem. However you may see it effect you, if not the first week then later on down the road.

  • I use all FF for cooking, except for the things that I can't find like FF parmesan. I occasionally allow myself lowfat cottage cheese when I'm eating it straight and not mixed in a recipe. It's a trigger food for me....I know can you believe I LOVE cottage cheese. I buy the Breakstone 1/2 four pack individual servings so I don't overeat it. Before perimenopause/menopause hit, I was doing great and this was not affecting my weight loss at all. I think you do need to stop tweaking if you stop losing. JMH0.

    Good Luck!
  • I use 1% milk and regular cheese. I'd lose better if I used ff only but Curtis won't eat ff dairy products. We both lost this week eating this way. Over 2 pounds each. If we can keep losing, I'll keep eating this way; if losing stops, I'll have to make adjustments back to the core basics.

    Guess I'm taking a lot of words here to say, "See what works for you."