Breaking up with my lunch buddy

  • Hi,
    I like having lunch with a coworker, we have alot of like interest and she is a cool person to be with. My issue is that i just started bring my lunch because i can't deal with eating food that i did not prepare and we traditonal get food that is not healthy. I still want to have lunch with her and i told her that i would even wait for her to go get her lunch and bring it back to the office.

    I feel like she is upset with me for bringing my lunch. What should i do?

    Pleas excuse all of the misspeeled words
  • Bringing your lunch is a healthy and cost effective thing to do! Maybe she'd be more understanding if you said you were trying to save some money?
  • She is probably upset she doesn't have someone to pig out with. No really. Sad but true.
  • That is so weird and perverse ....and i think you are right on the money!!!! I did'nt think about it before but looking back it all makes sense.
    I think that telling her money is tight will work.
  • A couple of co-workers here started lunch-sharing. One day one would bring a double lunch and share with the other and then they'd switch and the other one would bring the double lunch. You could try that - IF she'd eat/cook the healthy food you need.
  • I also like the idea of saying it is to save money. As long as you stress that you still really want to share her company during lunch, hopefully she should be understanding.
  • Yeah, hopefully your buddy can continue to enjoy your company while either sharing your healthy choices or being comfortable having a different meal than you. Social food gatherings at work are powerful, aren't they!

    At my top weight, I was going to an all-you-can-eat Pizza Hut lunch buffet a few times a week with a coworker (a tall thin male with the metabolism of a hummingbird), and grill food (fries, burgers) on the other days. I changed my food choices when I changed jobs, and started the new job on a healthy note.
  • If you were an alcoholic, and you went with your lunch buddy to a bar every day for a liquid lunch, would you still go just to be a friend even if you had joined AA? View it that way, and if she gets upset, you just have to remember you are choosing life here.