Have you lost weight but still feel the same??

  • So far I have lost 61 pounds,but I still have that huge self image of myself at a bigger weight (like I still weigh 199)..Does anyone else feel like this??
  • I have that same problem. Other people see my weight loss and while I know I've lost a good deal of the weight (I've gone from a size 18 to size 8) I still feel like a fat girl. I'm hoping when I get to goal I won't feel that way anymore.
  • Congrats on the weight loss,and Im glad Im not the only one..lol.Yeah I still feel like the fat kid
  • i hear what you say a lot. it just goes to show you this more yhan the physical. it is not all about the food. maybe you should try talking to someone who deals with this issue. ....... atherapaist of some sort. people with anorexia are thin but do not see it. what a complex thing. do not give up. good for you losing all that weight. i am starting my journey of weightloss. i am 247 and 38. i know if i do not do it now i will never do it. i need to feel good . i put on 50 lbs with my 3 kids. i want to be a normal weight. being fat sucks and is humiliating.i know you probably do not want to go speak to someone but..........they may be helpful in sorting out your feelings and issues. stay strong. i feel i am 38. i have a lot of time left on this earth. i want to feel good and be here for my three boys i brought into this world.good luck. keep in touch if you can. i do not have a thing set up with all my info. not sure how to do it.
  • I was just thinking about this!

    I have lost 61 lbs & don't feel like I've lost that much. Or have dropped afew sizes.

    I have 51 lbs to go to my goal--and that really isn't that much more in my mind. I keep thinking it's not going to make a big difference.

    I originally said I probably won't see a difference until I go down another size or two. Well I have......and still think I look the same.


    Glad I'm not the only one!!!!
  • I usually just read the threads but this one hit me. I totally feel the same way. I have lost 35 lbs and I know in my head that I am wearing smaller sizes and have lost the weight but I still feel just as fat if not fatter. I still have about 37 lbs to go until I reach my goal so I am hoping like crazy that I will feel different then.

    My sister thinks that I just say I don't look different to get attention for it. She just don't understand. I really don't think I look that different. My brain hasn't caught up with my body I guess, LOL!

  • I like that one,my brain hasnt caught up with my body
  • I am right there with you! In fact, at our meeting today this was the topic.

    I have lost 70 pounds and although I am much slimmer and know that I look "normal", I still feel like the huge elephant in the room that everyone is staring at. I just wish my mind would catch up and I would realize that I am not 256 pounds anymore. For instance, today my husband wanted to go to the swimming pool with our 2 year old. I said, "yeah right, like I would get in a swim suit." And then when I thought about it, why can't I?? I am a size 12. Many woman are that size and go swimming. Why can't I see my body for what it is now? Why am I still seeing the fat me?
  • I feel the same way! It's nice to know I'm not alone. Hopefully my brain will catch up soon, because it's getting annoying!!