How often...

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  • Do you weigh yourself? I did so for the first time today (I don't have a scale at my house at the moment, I will invest in one when I get to my apartment in 3 weeks), but don't know when I should do so again. I don't want to measure my success soley by numbers on a scale and don't want to get too discourage when the numbers don't drop immediately and rapidly.

    So, how often do you weigh youself?
  • I weigh myself daily because I like seeing the daily fluctuations, but I have a specific day that I count as my "weigh-in" day.
    At the moment it is a Wednesday but I'm changing it to a Friday in case I blow it over the weekend. Means more time to make up for it haha!
  • I weigh myself first thing every Saturday morning. I choose to only do it once a week, just because I'm trying really hard not to become obsessed with the numbers on the scale and also focus on the fact that I'm living a healthy lifestyle now and am starting to FEEL a lot better than I used to. But I know that a lot of girls around here measure their inches too, and I think I'm going to start doing that soon.
  • Quote: But I know that a lot of girls around here measure their inches too, and I think I'm going to start doing that soon.

    I measure myself and I think it's great.

    I'm not sure how often to do that though, I do it weekly but I may begin to do it monthly because weekly, there is only a quarter inch change here and there.
  • I weigh in every day. I'm a slave to the scale. I like to see how much I tend to fluctuate too. However, its most discouraging weighing in while on my period. While I weight in every day, I usually record the lowest weight for the week.
  • I weigh every couple of days. I only record the weight every sunday morning though.

    Fluctuations do get me down (sometimes) but that's just what they are - fluctuations. The scale will keep going down eventually
  • I weigh myself every day, because I track my moving average on my google homepage. *nerd*

    I weigh in "officially" once a week for my records/on my blog. Starting next week, I'll be weighing in twice a week - once for my records, and once for a challenge I'm participating in.

    I also take my measurements every 5 weeks. Biceps, thighs, hips, waist, belly and bust.

    I know some people here also track things like body fat percentage, etc. There's no "right" way to do it - you'll figure out what works for you in terms of emotions, motivation, lifestyle and time commitment.
  • Thanks everyone for answering!
  • I weigh myself around the same time every morning. I keep a journal (not a blog or anything, an actual journal where you physically write in it) and record my weight almost daily. I've been doing it since xmas and I love looking back at it and seeing the progress. I call it my "fat journal" and I only write down my weight, what I eat, how much I exercise and my feelings about my weight and diet in it.
  • i dont get on a scale at home i just wait til i have drs appts (which reminds me i have a post op on monday ick)
    i prolly just gained back most of what i lost due to being unable to do anything and i hate it, my jeans fit til things started going wrong
  • I weigh almost every time I walk by my scale. I only record it every Sunday morning.

    I also do measurements. Every Sunday also..for now. When they don't change as fast I'll do them once a month.
  • i weigh myself every saturday or sunday of the week. i don't like to do it everyday because of water fluctuations, and weighing in everyday can get me frustrated and less motivated. it's weird, when i weigh in once a week, i see better results, and when i used to weigh in everyday my weight loss progress was much slower. don't focus so much on the numbers on the scale, but how your body feels and looks!
  • I get on the scale on the weekends which is my official weigh in days (mainly Saturdays). I get mad if i do it throughout the week because I don't like to see my weight fluctuates!
  • I weigh myself weekly but I do not weigh myself during TOM.
  • I do Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. No real reason, just easy days to remember. Sometimes I do it more often, but those are the days I write it down on.

    I have a "fat journal" as well and keep my weight, and my mesurements in it.