Transformers-gah! My eyes!!

  • I got dragged to this movie by my boyfriend. And I have to say, I wanted to see it only because I saw the cartoon a little YEARS ago.
    Anyways... did anyone else go and see this? Did y'all get a headache from the near nonstop action and constant explosions?
    I've always been one for action movies and I went to the theater feeling fine, but when I left I was about to drop. It was hard to focus on the screen with everything moving so fast, It felt like I was about to go into fits.
    lol it was so worth it though.
    Everyone says the plot is way to simple for this day and age, but I for one found it great not having to remember three or four different plots at one time.
    The only tiff I had about the movie was that it seemed geared to the younger crowd a bit. There were small kids in the theater, and yet there were moments when I was like..."OMG there are little kids watching this!" It was nothing major, but enough to feel bad for the parents who brought them.
    What did you think about it?

    Edit~ I LOVED bumblebee he was so CUTE!!
  • i freakin loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly my new favorite movie ever. i was so pumped after i watched it . i felt like driving my mini van home at 100 miles per hour and the girls body in there was great motivation.
  • ohhh...we are going to see this on the weekend, I am looking forward to it!

    I like explosions!
  • Quote: i freakin loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly my new favorite movie ever. i was so pumped after i watched it . i felt like driving my mini van home at 100 miles per hour and the girls body in there was great motivation.
    I know! I was taking the turns a bit sharp on the way home and had to keep myself from speeding lol. Movies with fast cars always do that to me
    And that girl who the heck was she?@_@ she had some cheesy moments but she was great!
  • Quote: I know! I was taking the turns a bit sharp on the way home and had to keep myself from speeding lol. Movies with fast cars always do that to me
    And that girl who the heck was she?@_@ she had some cheesy moments but she was great!
    That's Megan Fox and she's hot!!!

    I loved the movie. Cheesiness and all!!
  • This movie needed the disclaimer that some video games have about inducing seizures! I loved it, so much in fact that I brought my son to it one day, and then slyly told him to ask his dad if he would take us the next day--so we saw it twice. The movie had so much action and exploding going on that at the end of the scenes I could literally feel myself exhale, and I didn't even realize I was getting anxious and holding my breath . I agree about this not being a "kids" movie, or at least not for any kid under age 8 maybe? Some parents had their 3 year olds and younger in the theater and the little ones were crying and screaming their heads off while the action scenes were going on.

    Shia Labeouf wasn't even born when the cartoon originally aired. Gawd, i'm gettin' old. I loved him in this movie, he was hilarious. I used to watch Even Stevens series with my niece and he stole the show every time. And Josh Duhamel, although easy on the eyes, I much preferred Tyrese Gibson
  • I loved it! We only have a two-theater "theater", so I'm hoping DH and I can catch it again before Harry Potter starts showing on Thursday (here all the movies start on Thursday). Only problem is that DH is out of town until tomorrow evening. Hopefully we can catch the 9:15 pm showing!

    The action and CGI was awesome. Shia Lebeouf definitely stole the show. I loved it! (Did I say that already?)
  • melekalikimaka - *points* OMG Snape! it's Snape! Woot!
    I'm okay now lol just had to do that. I'm in love with Snape
  • Just came back from Transformers, I didn't like it. Maybe I am getting too old for action movies, but the fighting scenes were just too long.

    I liked the one liners and some scenes were cute/funny, but the movie could have been at least 40 minutes shorter!
  • Quote: melekalikimaka - *points* OMG Snape! it's Snape! Woot!
    I'm okay now lol just had to do that. I'm in love with Snape
    Sakai, you should join our harry potter thread!

    I saw this with my son the other day and was DRAGGED to it, pretty much. Not really looking forward to it at ALL.


    I LOVED IT!!! I was so pleasantly surprised. Very funny!! Specially in the bedroom iwth the mother....

    I loved Bumblebee, too. Right after the movie, we went to KBToys and bought a big Bumblebee action figure. He's was cool...specially when the girlfriend said he was an old dumpy camaro or whatever and he takes off and shows back up as a new, awesome camaro. That was a camaro, right?

    Anyhow...I will be buying this THE DAY it comes out on DVD for the family to watch!!
  • Yes it was a camaro ^_^
    I'm going to see it again here in another hour, this time with my brothers, dad and cousin.. I know they will all love it.

    My BF just bought me a Bumblebee scale modle this morning and surprised me with it. I'm so in love with it lol

    I was going to join the Harry Potter thread, but it was allready so far along, I thought it would be weird of me to jump right into the middle of it.

    I work at wal-mart so I'll be able to grab the book the second it comes out Mwhahah!
  • I was drug to see it by my DS15, who said it was the best movie he had EVER seen. He's now seen it 3 times. I did not like it. It was at least an hour too long, the plot was thin, and yes it was busy and noisy. As I was watching it, I kept thinking "yeah, this is for people younger than me". I could understand how my son would love it; a gorgeous girl, lots of action, Shia saving the world, a guy's first car, etc.

    Hoping to see HP this week.
  • I loved this movie! I saw it last weekend and I'm thinking about seeing it again while it's still in the theater. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD!
  • I loved it as well. I liked the plot because I grew up on transformers and that was plot of just about every show and the comics. Heck I still remeber seeing the 1st transformer's movie back when I was a kid in the theater. But I will admit it started to drag a lil during the dam sences.
  • I love this movie! Already seen it twice. I have to orginal 80s movie, but never was a big fan of the cartoon. I think I only watched the original toon a few times. In fact I didn't even want to see Transformers at first, then literally the day before it opened. I said to myself; "Aw, what the heck." And I loved every second of it. The whole time I kept quietly saying to myself "WOW!" I loved the action, and the dialogue was hysterical. Way better than Spider-man 3. I haven't smiled that much during a movie since....well...TMNT back in March. So I guess it wasn't that long of a time. I am so glad it's getting a sequel and I heard the dvd release will have prequel.

    To me my favorite part was the intro of Optimus Prime, that was just awesome and gotta love Frenzy.

    So far best movie of the summer. IMO