Is it getting easier for you?

  • Hey everyone. My diet and exercise program are getting to be a lot easier for me. I'm no longer craving a ton of food all the time. I still love to eat of course, but I don't have the urges to binge on everything like I used to. Also I get full a lot quicker and with a lot less food! Is it really true that your stomach shrinks? I've heard that it isn't true, but it sure seems to be the case with me. I'm just happy that it isn't as hard to resist junk food now as it was in the beginning. Anyone else experiencing the same thing?
  • I heard that too, about the stomach, but I believe there has to be something to it. Because, after I have been cutting down my portions in half at least, I find that if I overindulge, I get stomach pains. That never used to happen.

    I find that I am physically more hungry now simply because I know what to look for ... I am more aware of my body. But I don't always have that overwhelming urge to eat everything in sight. This does become an issue, though, once I have white pasta or pizza or chips. These just trigger some need to binge so I try to avoid them as much as possible.
  • Hey Jpye! In my own experience, it did get easier to resist the foods I shouldn't be eating. Those junk cravings did lessen. I got hungry sometimes, but that's to be expected. I learned how to plan!

    What someone said once here on a thread was that the stomach doesn't shrink--but it does get used to having less food to feel full. As I remember, the "full receptors" get overridden if someone eats large quantities of food at meals over an extended period, but if they go back to more normal eating, the full receptors readjust. I don't know whether it's true...

    Either way, it's good news!

  • A lot of things about this have gotten easier. I don't have to think as hard about what to do to be successful. After 2 years, a lot of the choices come easier.

    But other things are hard. Sometimes the day to day grind gets to me. And, although I know WHAT to do, I still need time to plan it and do it. Finally, I actually think I'm more hungry than when I started, despite weighing over 100 pounds less and eating the same amount. I think my body does want to go back well over 200 pounds!

    However, these are challenges and they are worth it! I love my new life and new abilities!
  • I don't know about the whole stomach thing...but I know I feel full a lot faster nowadays. I think dieting takes time to get "used to" after not doing it for so long. When I first started, it was really hard to get into the swing of things. I had cravings and I would easily cave into them. Now, it takes a lot for me to go over my calorie count for the day...a really, really bad day. It's easier now to make smarter choices, and decide if it's "worth" eating bad stuff. Exercise has gotten easier for me, too. I just started my walking plan a couple weeks ago. At first, I only planned to walk about 4 times a week. But I haven't missed a day in 6 days, I think...and my legs hurt a lot less! Every day that goes by, it gets easier to get out there. Of course, I still sweat like a pig...and huff and puff like I'm trying to blow a house down...but I'm out there in the 95 degree weather anyway!
  • Good for you, WinterStarzz! That's great about the walking. It's OK to take off one day a week, if you feel like you need it. Also, be sure to take water with you and to walk early in the day when it's that hot.

    Keep going!
  • It's only been about a month since I started, but it seems to be getting much easier. I'm actually excited about exercising/walking every evening. At the beginning, I had a hard time motivating myself to get off of the couch! Eating is also much easier now. I don't have many cravings, and I do get full much faster!
  • It's gotten easier staying on track. I don't think it'll ever be easier for me to get back on track after falling off, though. :[
  • Quote: Hey everyone. My diet and exercise program are getting to be a lot easier for me. I'm no longer craving a ton of food all the time. I still love to eat of course, but I don't have the urges to binge on everything like I used to. Also I get full a lot quicker and with a lot less food! Is it really true that your stomach shrinks? I've heard that it isn't true, but it sure seems to be the case with me. I'm just happy that it isn't as hard to resist junk food now as it was in the beginning.
    I could have written that post. That is EXACTLY the case for me, I have reached the point where my cravings for bad stuff have ceased and what I am eating satisfies me. Even exercise is getting better and I feel like I want to do it instead of just having to do it.