The hard truth,according to me.Please share yours.

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  • Choices, once again you have spoken the truth and gotten us thinking about it! Yes, there is no "try". There is just "do" or "do not." Just thinking about it won't get it done; it's just another form of "do not". Wishing won't make it so.

    It's funny how you should mention looking at belly and rolls in a big mirror. I have a mirror in my workout room which I use to watch my form when I'm working out to make sure I'm doing things right. I was looking at my huge belly today and my enormous legs, and it really grieves me that I've eaten my way back into this size body again. People who weigh more than me may say "well she's only a size 16. I wish I was a size 16. what is she complaining about?" But the fact is I was a size 12 not too long ago and before that I was a size 24, so to be eating my way back toward 24 instead of staying a 12 does give me grief. And I know that only I can undo it because only I have done it.

    Momentary bliss found at the hands of a drive through burger or order of nachos or double dip cone is really no gift. It's self delusion and self destruction. And you're right. I'm going to have to try harder. I'm going to have to love myself enough to do what's right for me over the long term, instead of throwing a 500 calorie bandaid on my mental ouchies. I've done it before. Heck, I've done lots of difficult things before. I just have to find the guts to be hard on myself for the moment instead of always caving in and eating bad stuff to get a 3 minute "high" when I'm feeling low. And it's not luck. You're so right. It's courage, determination and, like my Dad said to me when I finally finished getting an education at the age of 42 its about "wanting something so bad you won't let nothing stop you."

    That's the kind of feeling I have to reawaken in myself. That's what you have to do too. That's what we all have to do. Amen, girlfriend.
  • Choices, I didn't get a chance to read your original post, but I have to say that today I came to the realization that no matter what I come up with to motivate myself, what I need to get through my thick skull is that I deserve to be healthy.

    My son was asking me today why so many people here in Korea smoke. I was telling him that I have no idea why people start smoking and going on about how it's bad for your body and so on and so forth, and I realized the same applies for unhealthy eating habits. I'm basically poisoning my body with unhealthy food when I should be treating it respectfully and consciously fueling my body with good, solid, useful calories, vitamins, and minerals.

    I feel kind of stupid to not have stumbled upon this before.

    Turning a new page tomorrow!

  • Choices, I'm sorry you deleted your message. I have a feeling we all could have benefitted!

    My hard truth today is that Sandi's quote/sig is, as always, SO true: "If you want it, you'll find a way and if you don't, you'll find an excuse." I don't want it, really, right now...because I'm finding excuses. It's frustrating to want it in my head but not in my heart, because I'm hating the results of not being on track. But if I try to force myself to get on track when I don't really want to, I just end up sabotaging myself, feeling guilty and angry and sad, and eating more. It makes more sense to, as my therapist says, 'triage' and try to maintain/eat as healthy as possible/stay as close to plan as possible/exercise as much as I can and try to figure out WHY I'm not wanting to lose. Uggh!

    Another real hard truth for me today is this quote I read a couple days ago:

    "One cardinal rule in behavioral medicine is that unless it is interfered with, your body knows exactly what it is doing and always does the best thing it can do under the circumstances. Consequently, if you are overweight, you may reasonably assume that the extra fat itself is your body's best adjustment to the circumstances you are providing."
    -Jill Johnson
    This quote does NOT mean that our bodies are right and that being fat is a natural thing for some of us. What it DOES mean is that when our life is crazy and we are not taking care of ourselves...when the emotional part of our life overtakes our natural inclination to care for our body and soul and treat them right...our body copes as best as it can. If we're fat, it's a side effect of what's going on in our life and in our hearts. As Oprah so succintly put it, they're "pounds of pain" not just pounds of fat. Sometimes I wish it were so cut and dried as energy in and out...but if that were the case, all of us logical, sensible people would be skinny! There's also the emotional component, and if we don't deal with it, eventually we backslide...and that's where I am. I wish knowing all that made it easier to get out, but so far, no go. I do know, though, that this time, I can't just power through and ignore how I feel...I have to get right with me to truly lose the rest of this weight, and keep it from coming back.

    Any ideas, Beach friends, on how to deal with the emotional stuff?
  • Choices, I didn't think your original post was too angry. I read it but hadn't responded yet, it was thought provoking and I was mulling things over. The truth is, I'm way overweight and would like to be thinner, healthier, and more energetic. I want to be able to get more accomplished and to do fun, active things with my kids. But all of that has been true for a long, long time. Why I'm here now, I'm not sure. Many times I have planned to start a diet, awoken on the appointed day, and decided to have a pop tart with the kids instead. Then I reached a point where I didn't think about it any more, and thought I had made peace with being a fat person. This time I actually started on the day, and have stuck to it for 6 weeks. I'm not even sure what my motivation was, except I think I had convinced myself that I had reached a point of stasis, my weight had been basically the same for so long. Then my jeans started getting pretty tight, I realized I was gaining, and would soon have to move up to the next size. Staying on plan for this long is unprecedented for me. What was magical about that first day and the time since? I don't know, and that's what makes me nervous. I've got a year ahead of me to shed this weight, and maybe one day I'll wake up and all my motivation will have evaporated. I'm counting on this forum to keep me going - that and my natural stubbornness.
  • 1st I'd like to thank the multi dozens who viewed my post, and didn't or did add their comments..2nd I'd like to thank those that did add their views. I'd also like to say that I removed my post because after thinking about it, I thought it might be too harsh,or angry to tell the absolute truth,it probably was..somehow when I find the truth about MYSELF..and how I screw up, it anger's me. I stand by those comments,but thought later on to share them here might have not be appropriate. I'll continue to 'speak my peace' esp. is I think It'll help other's and encourage a verbal exchange. I do think it's time for everyone with a weight issue to come out of the closet,and tell it like it is. It's usually not ALL about food...not that I don't like the taste,but it's what brings me to 'eat' than I'm concerned about...not the sitting down to a meal. my warmest ...choices~
  • Remember sweet chick's~
    according to yoda..
    every day,every time I open my mouth to take something in is a choice..every single's the power I have over ME..nobody else but me.
  • You quoted Yoda. That's awesome!

  • Laurie, I've been wondering where you've been hiding.

    I know, for me, when I start to slide and make bad choices, I'm embarassed to get back on the forum and admit it. One of the goals I made for myself a couple weeks ago was to continue posting even when I felt low about myself or my progress. This morning I weighed myself. I knew I hadn't been eating on plan this week. I knew I hadn't been paying attention to serving sizes when I was on plan. I was still disappointed when I saw I had gained three pounds. I was embarassed to change my ticker and post again. I didn't want you lovely gals to know I had screwed up. I'm a perfectionist, but I let my cravings get the best of me. I CHOSE to eat the wrong things, and part of getting past that, for me, is owning up to it, which means changing my tickers, continuing to post, and getting back in the right frame of mind for getting those numbers to move in the other direction. Last week, I posted how I really didn't feel like doing my exercise for the day. Someone else posted she didn't either, so we promised each other to exercise. As I was running, I was thinking how I was doing it "for her". That's silly. I need to be eating right and exercising FOR ME! My motivation needs to be that I'm doing this for me. I'm going to consider all of my decisions in this light from now on.

    Don't disappear again! We need you here!

  • Thanks sweetie...I needed that choices (and I agree, coming 'rain or shine' with plus lbs.or minus..i will join in with that..,you notice I didn't say 'try'.)