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  • Just thought I would just jump right in...just finding my way around here so I am not sure if there is a special place for an intro (please LMK if there is!)

    I'm Alex...I am 24 and live in Cali. I am starting the beach tomorrow, and have never been on a reduced carb eating plan so I am nervous, but excited. I have realized that I just eay WAY too much processed foods and sugars, and not enough protein or fresh, whole foods, so here I am

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies!
  • Hi Alex! Where in California are you? We just moved from northern California a couple months ago.

    Glad you came over to join us! There's great support here, and some ladies who have answers to any question I've been able to come up with. Feel at home!

  • Kara,

    I am in southern california (ventura county). I LOVE it here!! My fiance and I will be moving to Arizona in the next 8 months, I will miss cali so much!

    Nice to meet you! This place seems so inviting and helpful
  • Welcome Alex....You found the right place!!!

    Kara where did you move from in N Cal??

    Fazio...my parents moved from N Cal to PHX, Arizona and they LOVE IT!!!!!
  • I am trying to play around with my avatar and I think I just might have the worlds smallest picture!!
  • It is pretty tiny
  • That is a small picture. You should keep playing. It made me laugh out loud. Perhaps next you could put a picture of just your eye or something!

    Megan, Tom was stationed at Beale AFB just north of Sacramento. We were there from October 2004 to February 2007. Beale itself wasn't my favorite but we loved the area. We were always on the go - Sac, Frisco, Tahoe, the coast (we LOVED Ft. Bragg!), Yosemite (which we laughingly referred to as Yo-suh-might), Lassen, etc., etc. What a fun place for an outdoors-loving family! We even made a trip down to San Diego and did Legoland and Sea World!

    Hey, Alex, you're almost under a year until your wedding!!! Tom and I were engaged for a year and a half and I remember how exciting it was when we were under a year until the wedding. Tomorrow is our eighth anniversary, so you're bringing back memories.

  • I drove past Beale yesterday! Crazy!!! I live by the airport in Natomas....I moved here from San Jose in August! We might have crossed paths!

    I LOVE Yosemite!!!! We used to take 220 8th graders for a week in March at my old school so amazing!!!
  • Hi Alex

    great to have you on board. You are going to love SB, it's great and you will find much support here. This forum is great, because it's not all about SBD, it's learning a little about each other every day. You will love it here.

    I am from So Cal as well, I currently live in Long Beach and will be moving before the end of the year to Lake Elsinore Ca. Well a big and good luck on your first day tomorrow.

  • Hi Alex welcome to the board. As you can see this place is super helpful. Just reading the post daily keeps me motivated. I am fairly new myself but I feel so supported and the people here are so encouraging. I am also in L.A. too but I am on the other end I am in the South Bay. Hey Mara I see you are Long Beach not too far from me...I was just in Lakewood this afternon for a baby shower I probably passed you right on by and didn't know it... Have a great evening ladies.
  • Thanks girls so much for the warm welcome...nice to see some cali girls in here! My sister lives in Lakewood, right by the country club off carson, how funny!
  • Faz! there's always room on our beach ! PM one of us mods if you need help with setting up your profile or avatar..!
  • Hi Alex and from the Eastern Ontario wilderness. Lots of ideas, support and general fun around here so be sure to hang out lots!
  • Hi Alex and Welcome to the beach, pull up a towel and dig your toes in. You will love it hear. The chicks are the best.
  • ah a newbie... welcome...