Fiber 1?

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  • I noticed many of you girls eat fiber 1 cereal.
    I just assumed it wasn't available in Canada, but then I found it.
    BUT..there is an "original" that looks just like all-bran, and there is a "honey clusters" which looks like bran flakes with pieces of granola..
    Which one do you eat?
  • I eat both and they are simply delicious! The rabbit-food looking one has a flavor superior to that of All-Bran. The clusters are so tasty that now I've got my mom, sister-in-law, and boyfriend all raving about it! You won't be disappointed.
  • I eat both too. I eat 1/2 cup of each a day. I ususally eat it dry -- put it in a ziploc and take it to work for one of my snacks. If I'm at home when I eat it, I usually sprinkle it over yogurt and add some berries. It's gets soggy fast in milk.
  • I eat the twiggy looking one - LOVE it. If I'm not mistaken, the honey clusters one has waaaay more calories.

    I eat a 1/2 cup of it in skim milk for breakfast with 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean. I sprinkle it in my yogurt. I sometimes add it to salads. And I eat it plain as well. I n other words I'm a pretty darn good customer of theirs.
  • Wish wish wish I could. It has aspartame, last I checked, and aspartame makes me really ill. Too bad - I'd love to have it as an option.
  • Quote: Wish wish wish I could. It has aspartame, last I checked, and aspartame makes me really ill. Too bad - I'd love to have it as an option.
    Same reason I don't eat it. I get bad headaches.
  • I'm very fortunate that the aspartame doesn't affect me - at all.

    Another thing about the Fiber One over the Honey Clusters, I think it's not only lower in calories - but higher in fiber as well.
  • If you have a Trader Joe's near you, they sell a similar cereal that does not have aspartame (it uses sugar cane instead for a little sweetening).
  • Hi,
    I found a cereal that has became one of my favorites.
    It is from NATURE'S PATH.
    Called Organic Optimum Power Breakfast cereal.

    Here is a list of the ingrediants.
    Organic whole wheat bran, organic whole wheat meal, organic evaporated cane juice, organic soy flour, organic puffed Kamut®*, organic flaxseeds, organic barley malt extract, organic soy fiber, organic oat bran, organic freeze-dried blueberries, sea salt, organic cinnamon, calcium carbonate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin (vitamin B-12), tocopherols (natural vitamin E) added to enhance freshness.

    No sugar, no aspartame. sweetened with barley malt and cinnamon.
    While this one Only has 10 grams of fiber, It is different from the others. And gives me option for something different.

    Another option, For 8 grams of fiber.
    Kashi go lean Crunch. Sweetened with Brown rice Syrup.
  • I eat the original Fiber One... it is 60 cals for 1/2 a cup with 14g of Fiber. I'm pretty sure the other "flavors" are over 100 cals for a serving and only have 8 or 9 grams of fiber. And honestly, though the original doesn't LOOK good, it's actually pretty sweet tasting and really yummy in milk. I like to eat it dry or in milk, it's a great mini snack at the end of the day if my Fiber is low.
  • we usually get both....I love the honey clusters one and usually mix 1/4 cup of the original with yogurt for a snack, very yummy!
  • Quote: If you have a Trader Joe's near you, they sell a similar cereal that does not have aspartame (it uses sugar cane instead for a little sweetening).
    Do you know what that one is called?
  • I eat the twiggy looking one also. I love it with fresh fruit and Silk. I felt the other one was to high in calories for what I was looking for.

    Littlered ~ Thanks for the tips on the other cereals.
  • One serving of the Fiber One Honey Nut Clusters has 170 calories, 14 grams of fiber. (1-1/4 cup)

    One serving of regular Fiber One has 60 calories, 14 grams of fiber. (1/2 cup)

    Technically, if you have the same serving size... they have close to the same amount of calories. 1/2 cup of the Honey Nut Clusters is 68 calories. (But the fiber count is way less too.)

  • And since the fiber count is waaay less, for ME, it just doesn't keep me nearly as full. That's what was the problem with all those other cereals I ate for so many years. They just didn't satisfy me.