Feisty & Sexy 50 & 60 yr olds #151

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  • G'day all,

    Another new thread so soon

    Trudy dh was very pleased to hear that your dh was able to still drive. Eventhough his injury was sometime ago and things have changed, the healing time remains the same . We have had a bit of a look on the net and we found some useful sites explaining it more fully to us. Our car is an automatic and had it been his left ankle there would have been no problem, but it is his right ankle. We'll see, it will just mean I will have to do the driving.
    Also thank you for your advise on the tanning, I will have a go at clinique, the l'oreal doesn't wear off evenly if you know what I mean.

    Slavika you certainly cannot count on things to happen as you wish. I do remember your tooth infection

    The most amazing thing happened this morning. Yesterday I wrote a long letter to a girl I worked with. I never worked with her for long but we sort of hit it off. She is in her early forties, got married late in life and now works full time and has a 2 year old and a 10 month old I had been meaning to write to her but I am sure you all know how it is. I went for my walk and as I returned dh was on the phone, it was the person I had sent the letter to yesterday Talk about being psychic!!!
    It was nice having a long chat, she also thought it was a good idea for me to find some work in Sydney.

    The walking is really paying off and I can notice it in my clothes

    Have a great weekend all
  • Merry Christmas
    Maria thankyou for the new thread.

    Trudy-Slavika You do so much better than me-Big cabbage rolls are fine. I like them but just don't make any, anymore. I think I'll try your recipe for two, Trudy.

    Our concert was great! A Brass quintet, and they really played very well. Some of them had been musicians with the Boston Pops, so that tells you the caliber of musicians they are. A Most enjoyabale evening of Christmas music. They did a very clever think with Frosty the Snowman. Played it as a Russian dirge, minor key and all, and you really had to listen to recognize the tune. They announced it with a Russian name also. Then they jazzed it up and out came the real Frosty.

    Have a great weekend all. : Ann
  • Yum Yum: If you have questions just ask! We are here to help. Feel free to post what ever you want. Glad you made it here! We are an easy bunch to get to know!

    Ann: How sad you had to get rid of an ornament. Your Nativity set sounds awesome. What did your MIL make it out of? Sounds like the concert was wonderful!

    Slavika: "Honking" big huh? I havent heard that in a long time. I would probably make them big to. Sounds like alot of work. I love them but Im not willing to make them. I will just come to your house and eat them K?

    Trudy: Then I will try it this summer. Im teird of lily white legs, and brown arms. Havent seen the The Talented Mr. Ripley. Will look for it, sounds good. I did see the The Accidental Tourist and it was good.

    Maria: How great to hear from the old friend! Thats always fun! To bad it is your DH right foot. How is he handling all this? I know he is still working at home, but I know that would drive my DH nuts some days.

    Im getting close to getting all my shopping done now for Christmas. Presents were done along time ago. But I like to buy stuff that I can early at the grocery store so I dont have a $1,000,000 bill that last week. We always do Mexican food on Christmas eve so got stuff to make Chili Verde. And a turkey for Christmas day. So Im getting there! Still need to figure out a dessert I want to do. I want something different this year.

  • Thanks Lily
    I have lots of questions, I have been reading your letters and looking at your profiles. Seems we are all in or around the same age. Have you all been on the forum long? Do you browse others or stick to this one? Anyone else from Indiana?

    Sounds as if you are all busy with your Christmas plans. I am about there. It is almost time to make my men their goodies. I always make them Chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter fudge and all the fattening stuff. I hope I have enough will power to leave them mostly alone. I am trying so hard to meet my calorie and fat totals for the day. It is hard to do during the holidays.

    I noticed someone talking about the "Talented Mr. Ripley" pretty good movie. Has anyone seen "What Lies Beneath" with Michelle Phieffer and Harrison Ford? That one was a pretty good one too.

    Anyone besides me an animal lover?
  • Yum Yum: I browse the other forums. There is alot of good info in them. I dont know if you are doing Weight Watchers or just counting calories. But If you have questions and need answers about certain things the board has several places to ask to get the answer you need. Alot of helpful people here in all the forums.

    I have been here for over a year maybe even close to 2. Slavika is the one who has been here the longest. Even tho I have never meet these lady's who post here in person, I consider them my friends. We really do talk like we are just a bunch of friends sitting around having tea together. We discuss weight and just about any thing! We have a great time here!

    I saw "What Lies Beneath". Had me sitting on the edge of my sofa at all times. It was a good movie.
  • YumYum: I'm an animal lover, but now can only have one small dog.But that is okay. She is enough for us. I don't seem to have time to browse too many other forums. I have just kept up with this and one other, of the heading for' over the hill' age groups. Forgive me ladies, but guess I can say this, cause I'm about to go down the other side of the hill. I've been here about a year.

    Major catastrophe here. My dh forgot to put plastic wrap around the connections of the lights, and we had a lot of rain and now the fuses are blown and he has to go to work to fix them.

    My weigh-in wasn't as bad as I feared. I hadn't been in 3 weeks because of all sorts of conflicts, and I was up .2. I think that is about like maintaining. Of course I would have rather it be down, but I just keep working. We had a long rehearsal for our chorus this afternoon, and so my dh tooke me out for supper. I got a box before I ever started my meal, and put half in it to take home. Tomorrows lunch. Delicious Salmon.

    Got cards ready for the post today, and now it is on to the rest of the shopping. I refuse to get stressed this year. I want to enjoy Christmas.

    Have a great Sunday all. Ann
  • I'm too old for this..
    We spent the day again in St Cloud . Partly because I needed to yell in person at the hearing aid man. He sent off my left ear to get fixed and when I got it back the factory had remove the seal coating that I need to keep the **** thing in place. I was sounding a little like the road runner BEEP BEEP BEEP every time I moved my head or opened my mouth. Wouldn't have been so bad had I had a job where you sit and never move or open your mouth So have had to use an old one all week and now for another few days while the newer one gets fixed again .

    Then I spent some time shopping among the gasillion other people who were out today. Bought ice skates for the two oldest grand children. PJ's for DS girlfriend. Spent more on her than him. Girls are way more fun to shop for.

    Yesterday I spent about 2 hours at the eye doctors. My eyes have been giving me a fit. I get up in tthe morning and I can't see. so I try one pair of glasses then another about 1/2 hour later I can finally see. Well it seems that the reason I can't see in the morning is that my eyes are bone dry. And stay that way most of the time. So now I have some drops to use at night. The doctor said I will probably have to have the tear drain duct plugged in my eyes. Doesn't that sound like fun. He told me it wasn't painful at all. "No pain "is what he said.

    Slavika glad your mouth is getting better.

    Ann good for you asking for the box at the start of dinner. way to go! One of the ladies in one of my groups is getting ready to go on a 3 week cruise. She got a letter asking if she needed a special diet. She said she fought with herself for two days before she finally checked LOW FAT . I was very impressed.

    Yum Yum welcome. I have seen What Lies Beneath. Really like that one.

    Lilly welcome to the land of Weight Watchers Empolyee. You'll like it. Some people ar scared of the tally but don't let it shake you it's just numbers.

    Maria how is the hubby doing? Wow you guys and your feet!
  • G'day all,

    A lovely sunny day here today, walked into town where there was a lot of commotion. The annual Chrismas toy run was about to take off, it was estimated that 10,000 motorbikes participated The noise was incredible but it was good to see so many taking part. The perception of 'bikers' is not always a good one but obviously many of them are fine. I must admit some of them did look a bit scarey

    Karen How annoying with your hearing aid. I am also having some eye trouble, I have great difficulty now seeing with my sunglasses on. I intend to do something about it when we get to Sydney in February.

    Yum Yum I think I have been posting here a bit over a year. I joined 3fc about the same time as Slavika but only browsed the boards initially.
    I then joined the 'bootcamp buddies' but found it all a bit over the top, I still browse their site as there is a lot of good information.
    This group of ladies I (like Lily ) consider to be my friends and we can talk about anything. It is amazing how we all think so much alike at times.
    One day I hope to visit America and Canada and meet some, if not all of them

    Ann Good to hear you refuse to get stressed this year, good luck!

    Well I have bought the Clinique fake tanning stuff on Trudy's advise so I will give you an update how it compares to l'Oreal.
    You will know what to buy when your summer comes around

    DH isn't quite as cranky as I thought he may get but I guess it is still early days I hope he can still help with the packing of the car when we leave in January, he is much better at that than me.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend.
  • Good Morning!
    Its a beautiful day! Sunshine, but some frost out there. Maybe the cold weather will put some more people into the Christmas spirit.

    I wondered about the other boards because I have so much weight to lose. I am doing pretty good though. I have lost 37 pounds since August 29. I am proud of that But I have a long way to go.

    I picked YumYum for a name of a cat in a book because my real name is Maria, and I see a Maria already here, so to avoid confusion I thought I would be the name of a cat I like.

    I am a REAL animal lover I guess. I live on a little farm, out in the boonies of Indiana. I have ten cats, one dog, three rabbits 30 assorted fish, and twelve chickens. I think there is a mark somewhere out there on my house that informs all animals I will take them in and feed them. Feed bills for birds, chickens,dogs cats, rabbits and anything that moves keeps me broke most of the time! But I feel God must send them to me so I care for them.

    Karen, I noticed you were born in 1946, Me too I am a BOOM baby. November 1946.

    And no one is going down the hill, just walk on the ridge.

    Happy Sunday!

  • ....Good Morning all
    Hi Everybody I was getting a "tad" cranky (ok, really cranky) trying to put those 500 lights on that artificial Christmas tree I bought this year. Although I have to say the tree looks good, it's still plastic and not real, and somehow that makes me a little bit sad. I called my friend who got a new artificial tree this year, and her, and the interior decorator she hired to help with the decorating of her home this year, actually wired the lights to the tree, with florist wire. Her tree comes in three sections as does mine, and she said to sort of keep the "sections" separate, as far as the lights were concerned and that way I would only have to do all this work this year, and then just take the three sections apart after Christmas to store it. I think I will do that. I had some florist wire in the house but not enough, so after I get back from church I will go and get more and then try doing that.
    Yum Yum I came to 3FC in October 1999, and I met a gal named Josie and her and I sort of started up this 50/60 thread. She gave the board it's name. Maria and Lily joined soon after. When you post with the same gals over a long period of time and discuss absolutely everything you really feel that these gals are your friends. The funny thing is Yum Yum, that you also realize that they are all very much the same as you are, regardless as to what part of the world they live in. I love coming here every day to see what everybody has been up to. Please continue posting with us and post on some of the other boards too, if you wish. I really love animals and am so envious of you and all your little "critters". I no longer have any "pets" so I am left with feeding the birds and the squirrels. For most of my life I have had a dog and miss having one now.
    You guys are all talking about the movie "What Lies Beneath", I would certainly like to see that movie.
    Karen life is never simple is it. Yikes! I hope you soon get the trouble with your hearing aid settled and that the drops work for your eyes. Ann boy, you did well at your WW weigh in. It's a hard time of the year to even just maintain, never mind lose. I am up a little bit this morning. I hope it's because I was eating popcorn with a lot salt....and not that I ate almost all of the container of caramel sauce I made. hee hee
    Well I better go and get ready for church, talk to you all later.

  • Hi Again Evrybody
    This is Part 2 of my Sunday.
    I got dressed and went to church..........as I was arriving I noticed right off that everybody was leaving. So I thought, well the first Mass must have run late. No, there was only ONE service this week, which I would have known had I gone to church last week, but instead I went to the movies to see Harry Potter with my grandchildren.
    Then DH and I went in search of florist wire and a new Angel for the top of my "new" tree. We got both. No matter how hard I tried, I could not do a good job in wiring those lights on. All I managed to do was squish the artificial branches of tree. In the end I just wrapped the strings of lights, around and around the tree as though it were a garland. (very attractive) LOL
    Then it gets dark so early I couldn't really tell what I was doing. I was very anxious to see what this new angel would look like, so asked DH (his only involvement in the whole putting up of the Christmas tree) to put the angel on top of the tree. Well this lovely new angel was sooooo heavy (with the new fibre optic mechanism hiding under her skirt) that the tree could not support her) GRRRR. At this point husband went and hid.
    So, I have my tree up, with lights wrapped around it and that's it. I will wait until tomorrow in the "light of day" to see how the strands of lights look, before I put on the decorations. I will also try and find a new lighter weight angel. I have a sore neck, sore back, and my arms feel like rubber. BUT..........things are going to get better. At 7:00 we are going to our grnadchildren's Christmas Concert at their church.
    So, everybody, how was your day??????
    Now that I vented, I feel much better.
  • Slavika: Does not sound like you had to good of a time with the Christmas tree. Slap that hubby of yours for not helping with the lights. Sounded like a good idea with the florist wire.

    Ann: Good WI for you! .2 is nothing. That is maintaining!

    Karen: Doesnt sound like fun at all. Sounds spooky to me. But then I dont like anyone near my eyes.

    Maria: Do let me know how the Clinique works out. Glad your DH isnt to cranky yet.

    Maria/Yum: We also have 2 Peggys here. Sounds like you are doing really well on losing. It takes time!

    Well I havent done to much today. I was pretty lazy. But then I guess I need to be every now and then. I even slept in until 8:00 which is very unusual for me! Sure felt good! I guess I just had a ME day
    Best get dinner going before the bear grumbles..
  • G'day all,

    A bit late for me to be posting, 7.30 pm. We had a few drinks at the pub next door not that I wanted a drink but DH is a bit edgy about going into hospital tomorrow so I just HAD to oblige (if you believe that you would believe anything )

    Another coolish day, perfect for a walk, my only problem now is some very bad blisters on my heels. I have just been soaking them in hot salty waters so hopefully they will soon be better.

    Maria Yum it is nice to have you amongst our midst, what a lovely name you have . You'll get all the encouragement here to get to your goal weight.

    Lily at the moment I would have to say Clinique is better than L'Oreal. I will give you a further update in a few weeks time.

    We just had a call from dh's father who is 89. My son and his partner invited him for Christmas dinner and he had the best time, they even allowed him to win at playing cards! I am pleased son and partner invited him, he thought it was pretty special

    I must be off and make a strong coffee , it is been a while since I felt a bit tipsy!

    See ya all
  • Hurray!!
    I am so proud of myself!

    I just finished making a huge double batch of Chocolate Chip cookies for my fellas. [COLOR=blue]I never ate any of them[COLOR=blue]

    I put them in baggies, four to a bag, and froze them. Now since they are out of site, [COLOR=red]I will keep them out of mind[COLOR=red]

    Thank you all for the welcomes. I appreciate that! It will take me a while to figure things out I guess, but I like it that you all talk. Some of the forums I have checked out are pretty quiet. And I am NOT quiet!

    Today is a gorgeous and cold day here in Indiana. I am getting ready to go out and do the outside chores now. My husband is off hunting for deer, so I get to do all the chores. It's time to go feed the chickens, collect the eggs, take care of the rabbits and birds, pick up the mail and walk the dog!

    Ok, I will check in later, NICE to know all you lovely ladies!
  • Yum Yum/Maria - so nice to know you. We all come in all sizes, nationalities and backgrounds, but we have the essentials in common--weight watching and families and challenges. We have fun, so welcome to the forum. I am Glenda, 57, from Oklahoma with 3 sons and 5 grandchildren. And I am a NON-SMOKER! YEA! For 225 days, but who is counting!

    Slavika - last year you had a sore mouth and this year you have a sore mouth, but this year's mouth is a positive. So glad you had it done, and I know you are too.

    Maria - How weird and great that you and your husband are taking turns as the invalid. It always gets me when you are talking about your summer as we start getting bundled up here.

    Christmas trees! We have 2 fake ones. One is the grandchildren's tree--all Santas and toys. The other is the traditional one. My favorite things are those ornaments the kids made me. They sometimes cringe when they look at them, but I think they secretly are tickled that they still mean so much to me. I do not have a Martha Stewart Christmas! We have an eclectic mess of decorations, just lots of Santas and lights. It is amazing how much you can accumulate over the years.

    I had good news. I go to WW on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. No sleeping in. I went and lost 1.2 pounds. YEA! Still so much to go, but I feel so much better now, like maybe I can do it without cigarettes. And I feel so good. Went in to have my hair cut and foiled the other night at 6:30. I was under the dryer when my beauty operator told me my perfume smelled so good. I had put it on at 7 that morning and the dryer refreshed it. BUT I DIDN'T SMELL LIKE STALE CIGARETTES! YEA!

    We went shopping in OKC in a mall on Friday. I wore my Beat OU shirt with "Been there. Done that" on it and I got so much attention. Many just shook their heads and many asked me where I got my shirt. This, you remember, was regarding the big football game where OSU beat OU. We are horrible and they were (we thought) so good. It has been nothing but fun here. Anyway, glad I got home with nobody in the mall yelling at me. What was I thinking to wear that shirt sort of in the enemy country!