30 Something's Chat: 06/16 - 06/17 Weekend

  • So, I decided it's been a long time since I started the thread so I might as well do it today since I'm up. I'll probably start my first practise exam in about 4 hours, so I'm already feeling the stress and that made for a broken sleep night.

    Anyhoo, it wasn't such a bad day yesterday. Ate ok, walked at lunch in the sunny sunshine, generally felt okay about things. Tried not to think about the test today. (Kinda like a runner, I took yesterday off from studying - I finished reviewing the on-line presentations on Thursday.) So, today is the day. *foreboding organ music w/ lightning in the background*

    Hanna - You're bang on. It's one line from the "Bene Gesserit Littainy against Fear" from Frank Herbert's Dune. Quick google search turns up the whole thing:

    The Bene Gesserit Littainy against Fear.
    Pg 19 of Dune (Frank Herbert)

    I must not fear.
    Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
    Only I will remain.
    I'm SUCH a geek.

    4me4ben4will - I'm SUCH an Avatar freak myself. The sucky thing is that, up here in the Great White North, we're a full season behind you guys. You guys start getting new episodes this fall and we probably won't see them for another year! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

    And I'm SO happy I'm not alone. My wife must think I'm a total freak because all I watch is the kids channel when I'm home. I've tried to rationalize this and I figure that I spend all day doing technical, "complex" brain work that I just come home and need to turn it all off. That and I love animated work.

    Big hugs to all the others out there who sent me well wishes. It's appreciated and feels good to know that people out there miss you when you're not around. You guys really are the best.

    Take care all.

  • Mornin' All...I desparately need coffee...

    Sometime yesterday my mom's water heater went. The basement was flooded, DH had to get down there with the wet/dry vac. The plumber is coming at 8:30 this AM to replace it. So I can't even get a shower to wake up. Time to go make coffee...
  • Evening all...well i survived my week...barely LOL. By the end of today, i was exhausted. I was planning to go ride my horse, but when i got off work and was so tired, i came home and took a nap instead. I really needed it. Nothing exciting going on....heading to a friends house for a bbq...but otherwise quiet..which is what i want. I may go to the beach tomorrow with a friend...enjoy some down time. Check back later
    Roo - how'd it go????
  • (Because I know you all care, I passed my final exam and earned the certification that I was working on. It's all downhill to vacation this week!)
  • wooohooo congrats roo!!!! way to go.

    Nothing new to report...had a nice bbq w/ friends and actually ate well. Had grilled chicked, grilled asparagus, grilled onions, and just a few chips and home made salsa (i made the salsa). However i did have 3 beers...but still i didn't feel engorged like i normally do at most BBQ so i was happy.
    now DH and i are taking a drive out to the beach for some breakfast at a yummie breakfast place, then going to run errands. check back later
  • good morning !

    [COLOR="SeaGreen"]congratualtions ROO!!!![/COLOR]

    GG have a fun relaxing day at the beach! that sounds great!

    I am home just getting ready before the surgery, making lots of notes around the house, for DS's meds, and so on. I have to stop drinking coffee before the surgery so I don't have a headache after the procedure, and I stopped today, I have a horrible headache!!!! I drink a lot of coffee usually!

    I think we are going to go out for father's day, not sure where.

    Have a great Sunday and happy father's day!

  • Hi Everyone!!!

    I'm BACCKKK from a fabulous vacation! Came home well rested, well stocked with seashells and a decent tan:-). This is our second year of staying right on the beach. Every single time that we took the kids to the beach, they whined and cried about the hot sand, seaweed, etc., etc... It would have been a whole lot cheaper if we'd stayed here and gone to our local pool as all three kids wanted to go to the pool at the condo *constantly*. We were in and out of that pool 3 and 4 times a day. DH would run along the beach in the a.m. and each evening around sunset I'd go for a long walk. So nice...

    Rooster-Man, excellent work! Are you going somewhere for vacation or staying local?

    GG ~ you have been one busy lady! I hope that you have a more laid back week coming up. You close this week too, right? Good luck!

    Lauren ~ sorry to read that the new house might not happen:-(. I know how psyched you were and must be feeling disappointed. If this house doesn't work out, it obviously isn't the right one. Keep us posted.

    Hanna ~ hysterectomy ... wow! I can't believe that you've been able to work out as long and hard as you have. You are one very strong lady. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Sure do wish that we were all closer to help you out. Had to laugh at your having a headache today... I am a major coffee drinker every morning. I can't remember the last time that I went a morning w/o it. Best of luck this next week.

    My eating wasn't good ... does anyone every eat good while on vacation??? However, I did get a lot of exercise in as I walked for over an hour each day. I'm planning on getting back in the saddle tomorrow... here we go again. Hope that everyone has an excellent week ~ Joan