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  • How much water do you drink on any given day?

    I normally have 3-4 pints per day but I've not been drinking anywhere near that the last two days.

    The effect?

    My hunger and lethergy have shot through the roof!

    I must I must improve my... water intake!

    Let's love the carrott -
  • I drink anywhere from 3-6 liters.
  • 4-6 liters, every day.
  • 2.5 to 3 litres
  • how many litres to a pint?
  • 1 US pint = 0.473176475 litres

    Just about 2 pints to a litre
  • wow, everyone drinks so much!!!! How do you manage it?
  • 3-4 litres day.When i drink a lot i cnt snack that much.
  • hmm, thats interesting. im always tired and dont drink much water. the culprit? had no idea water was connected to tiredness
  • frenchie, water is connected to just about everything in our bodies. Aside from oxygen is the most fundamental component necessary to survive.

    I didnt drink hardly anything for two days and I was on the verge of losing control of my diet. I was looking longinly at chocolate, crisps etc again, hungry between meals etc. Today I decided to get back into the water, I'm currently on my 3rd pint (its 14.39) and all is right in the world again! The hunger has gone, and I have no desire to eat in between meals let alone touch the junk! Yesterday was really hard. I'm never giving up water again!
  • I follow the standard 8 cups of water a day rule. I don't know if this is a myth or not... but it seems to be fine.
  • 8 cups a day being a myth? I don't think so. They recommend even more now apparently. When you say cups do you mean glasses? Because I think the recommendation was 8 large tumblers (ie 4pints) but now they recommend 5 pints according to my instructor...
  • Yeah that's what I meant -- glasses, sorry.

    Wow, I thought I was taking in a lot. I need to step it up!
  • sorry to bring down the tone slightly, but dont you all have to go to the toilet all the time? how many times are you meant to pee a day?
  • frenchie, yeah you do pee a lot when you drink enough... I dont think theres any rule on how many times the more often the better i imagine as the more often you go the more toxins you excrete from your body (better for weightloss apparently). When I dont drink much I know Im dehydrated because my wee smells - not good!