I Am So Frustrated

  • I posted the other day that the scale, was stuck, and I was going to increase my calories and see if that helped.... I have a STUPID stomach virus!!!!! I haven't eaten anythin of substance in 2 days. Everytime I eat anything I'm in pain!

    About a month ago, I had a respitory virus. I had a fever and felt horrible for 2 days. Then 2 weeks after that I got another (more minor) virus and felt bad for 2 days, now I have a stomach virus.... This is ridiculous!!!!! I have a toddler in daycare and I think he keeps bringing these to me!! I'm just so pissed. I'm tired of feeling like crap. I can't excercise consistently. And I can't lose any weight while I can't eat or excercise!!!

    I have a Dr. appt. coming up on the 16th of next month and I want lose 10 nore lbs before then, so I will be back to my weight when I got pregnant. I want to get pregnant again soon. I'm just losing my motivation!!!! Please tell me I won't be sick forever!!!
  • I don't see how you wouldn't lose weight if you weren't eating much. It's only science that your body will lose weight when you don't eat. Many people go on and on about starvation mode, but I don't believe in it. The body won't hold on to everything.

    Anyways, I'm sure you can lose 10 pounds before your visit to the doctor. Stomach viruses really suck! Drinking warm tea is the only thing I can take. I even throw up the water I have, but tea stays down.

    Just keep in there and remember that it's only a minor setback. As long as you keep up your better eating when you're feeling better I know you'll do fine.

    -=hugs=- Feel better!
  • Thanks for the warm tea idea!!! I just want to cry! Plus my stomach is kinda swollen, so I look fatter than usual.....
  • Oh, sorry you're not feeling well. It won't last forever. Hang in there and I'm sure you'll be back up and running real soon.

  • Holdensmom, do you think it might be a good idea to go see your doctor just in case what you've got isn't a virus? Your symptoms don't sound too much like viruses I've experienced... especially the pain.

  • OH....I HATE those stomach virus!! I usually get one about once every 3 years or so. I lay on the couch or in my bed rolling from side to side saying for God to just kill me NOW instead of making me suffer like that!!!! Last time I had a stomach virus was last year I think when I was dieting and I actually lost 3 pounds. I figured i'd gain it back once i was able to eat and drink again, but i actually never did. I was amazed!!! I keep ginger ale at my house for those stomach virus days. I've always heard a little sip of room temp ginger ale is suppose to be good to keep on your stomach. Maybe you could try that. And I really do hope you feel better soon. mine usually only last for 24 hours. And you will lose the 10 pounds. Just stay on track when you start to feel better and you'll do great!!! Feel better soon!
  • Thanks girls. I do feel better today. Not completely myself, but much better. I weighed this morning and the scale finally moved. I lost 2 lbs. Maybe the virus actually helped me...ha..ha..

    I was just starting to panic. I know I've been eating right, and I couldn't get the scale to move for almost two weeks, and eventhough I couldn't excercise much lately, I felt like the scale should have moved..
  • Stress is bad for your body and makes it hold onto fat. Try and relax, you are in this for the long haul and a few days won't make any difference, altho I know right now you want to lose the weight NOW.

    Glad to hear you are feeling better.
  • Since someone mentioned tea, I thought I would chime in with the suggestion of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea can help ease your stomach if you are having a cold/virus with some stomach issues.
  • Hi~I'm glad you say you're feeling better, but I wanted to echo what JayEll said, I think that sounds more like something else than the virus, the pain thing put up red flags from the first post then the swelling just made me think other things. Did the doc diagnose the virus in the first place? Or did you eat some bad food? Have you had this before? Do you still have your gallbladder/ appendix? Clear liquids, the tea, and broth, popsicles, jello, are your best bet. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
  • ginger tea also helps with an upset stomach but the whole pain thing should definitely be checked out. I mean I've had pain from stomach viruses but usually not in my stomach area and let's leave it at that.
  • I was really sick a couple months ago... but it wasn't a virus! - turned out to be a "bacterial infection" - I had to take a packet of meds for two weeks! I couldn't eat anything without it hurting! And I lost 5 pounds that month (but gained it back, grumble-grumble.)

    I'm sorry you feel bad! And I hope it's "just" a virus!