Oh, it's so much more than just tendonitis. Ugh...

  • I saw the orthopedic doc today. The x-rays show that both of my kneecaps are dislocated. And I have less than 1/2 the cartilage that I'm supposed to have supporting them. Tissue and tendons surrounding them are severely inflamed. I also have osteoarthritis in the actual knee joint (already figured that one...so no surprise there). He suspects the dislocation happened while I was carrying the triplets because he doesn't think it's a new injury. He just thinks that the suddenly high intensity of my workout routine aggravated it and made everything around that area a big mess. He sent me straight to their rehab/physical therapy center where I was fitted for very expensive (sure hope the insurance picks up at least part of it) knee braces that are supposed to help guide my kneecaps back home. I'm taking Medrol for the inflammation. They had to consult with my hematologist to work out dosing for injections of a blood thinner I'll have to give myself twice daily to keep from getting clots from the tight braces on my legs (I have a clotting disorder...I did these injections 3 x a day during the pregnancy). I'm off my feet for at least a week, can resume lighter activity after that and will be re-evaluated after 3 weeks. If this doesn't do the trick, surgery is in my future.

    I'm really frustrated. I'm on the way to being depressed. I've worked soooo hard to lose this weight and to get this far with my fitness routine. He was VERY mad about my trainer's comments. Furious actually. I cancelled our sessions for this week and will worry about those 3 paid-for sessions later. I really don't want to go backwards now. I'm so afraid I'll gain weight now that I can't do the workouts. I have exercises the physical therapist showed me but they're obviously not the kinds of exercises that are going to build lean muscle or burn fat.

    This stinks. Maybe if I only eat steel cut oats for the next 3 weeks I won't gain any weight? I'm kidding. Sort of.

  • So very sorry that you got such bad news. Don't think you have to backslide. Just be very very careful with the intake AND know that if you take care now you'll be back to your fitness regime. Best of Luck!!!
  • I know how you are feeling somewhat. I have knee/hip/achilles problems right now and am seeing a physical therapist (problems only with one leg). I am going to see an orthopedist soon too.

    My suggestion is that when you get back on your feet do some upper body workouts - At the gym you have probably seen the thing that looks like a bicycle that you do with your arms - I have done that and it actually is a pretty good workout, but like everything new you need to start slowly. I think people tend to forget the attention they need to give the upper body anyway. Remember muscle helps burn fat. (you can even get some weights for home if you don't have them).

    Good luck!!
  • Monica, I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle right now. The suggestion about the upper body workout is a good one. Also, another idea that might be an option is the pool. That could give you the cardio without worsening your condition.

    Take care and my thoughts are with you!

  • I'm so sorry about your knees! How awful! And if your trainer is certified, you might consider calling the certification board--that was dangerous advice she gave you.

    When I broke my arm, I was worried about gaining weight, too, so I carefully monitored my food and ended up losing. It's a challenge, but not insurmountable. Good luck! Please know that we're all here for you when you need support.
  • oh, Monica - so sorry to hear that! You won't backslide - you've come very far and will keep going forward! ((HUGS))
  • Monica - Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. My kneecaps are the same - way out of their "track" - and I've been doing physical therapy for the last several weeks. I didn't have the inflammation going on that you do though, mine is more of a chronic condition, but the PT is really helping. Good luck to you.