Tuesday's Twitterings Beach Chat!

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  • Time to Get upupup!!!!Cawfee's a perkin, tea kettle is whistling!!!!
    I've just poured myself a cuppa joe and the sun is just starting to peek..Major cleaning is the plan for the day...we think the rain is over for now... and we were able to salvage the frozen foods after yesterdays onoffonoffonoff electrical problems.... so everything is back to normal
  • Ha! It's 6:56 pm here in Korea! I'm waiting for dinner to finish so the kids and I can sit down and have our meal. I'm making the Italian-style baked tofu and spicy cauliflower from the Quick and Easy Cookbook. It's our first time trying this, so we'll see how it goes! I had mushroom scrambled tofu for breakfast (I think the baby ate half my portion - she loves tofu!), 15 almonds for morning snack, Greek salad with tofu for lunch (my husband had some and he was all over it!), soy nuts for afternoon snack, and I made the crustless zesty lemon pie from the Kraft website for dessert (except I couldn't find lemon Jell-O so I substituted the orange sugar-free instead).

    It's been a day of ups and downs here. Still craving sweets. I don't know if it's because I really want them or because they're forbidden. Know what I mean? Phase 1, Day 5 almost done. I don't think I've ever stuck with a diet this long without cheating! Usually, I just make up my own diets, which are typically smaller portions of what I normally eat, so it's easy to make up my own rules about sweets and all! This is my first go at an "official" diet plan.

    Baby's screaming. Gotta run!


    P.S. How do you get those cool tickers? OK, figured that out. Now do I have to copy and paste that link every time I want it to show up?
  • Thanks, Schatzi!

    I'm tired this morning, I was at Cindy's until almost 9 last night. It was an easy day, though, and I had both girls in bed by 8, but it threw my schedule off.
    It's a drooly looking morning out there, but the sun is supposed to come out before we get more thunderstorms this afternoon. If it does rain, I hope it cancels polo, then I won't have to work late! I don't have any plans for today, except stopping for a few groceries after Curves. I'm going to make a turkey meatloaf and a Taco Bake this morning to have on hand for some fast meals. Today is the girls' last day of school, and Audrey has a dress rehearsal for her ballet recital, but that's about all.

    Kara! I see you figured out the ticker thing. Your meals sound so yummy, I'm going to have to try those recipes!
  • Sheesh Schatz! Quiet, please! I'm trying for a serene day!

    Cottage, we have a "drooly" morning here too! Great expression! I do hope, for your sake, that polo is cancelled.

    Tara, I just removed your ticker and put it in your signature profile. Now it will show with every post you make.

    I'm tired this morning. I worked with Donna yesterday morning and continued with kitchen sorting in the afternoon.

    It was a rather upsetting day and that may be why I'm so wiped this morning.
    I was supposed to go to a funeral. Gene’s father R. died last Thursday - he hung himself. No history of depression or illness. We all just found out from G. after the visitation that Ray hung himself because he was to appear in court for sentencing on child molestation charges! Great big upset, of course, and all sorts of dirty laundry being aired in the family. I decided not to go to the funeral did half of the family. G. and his DW have a son (7) who spent lots of time with his grandfather so that’s a huge worry too although R. seemed to go for pubescent girls. A very sad situation! Life is very difficult sometimes, isn’t it?

    Anyhow, today is going to be better. Donna comes back this morning to continue deep cleaning. I was supposed to paint the cookbook bookcase but it didn't get done last night - I watched "Dream Girls" instead to relax. I guess we'll just load the books back in and live with it. I do love an orderly "nest" and will be glad to get rid of my house in chaos. The guys will be back to finish a couple of things like crown molding and installation of a laundry sink but that will be "it" for a while.

    See you chickies later. Right now the Darling Doggage need some cuddling.
  • Ruth, I'm so sorry to hear about your day yesterday. That is heart-wrenching. Hope everyone heals and is able to move on. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you for helping with the ticker!

    Cottage, thanks for the welcome! I do love to cook, so I'll have to post some of my favorites that I've found. I'm a vegetarian, though, so a lot of them have tofu in them... Have you tried the stuffed peppers with mushrooms, spinach, and walnuts? My husband doesn't like peppers so I made it with zucchini and it was so yummy! I just hollowed out the zucchini and steamed the insides and then pureed them with the walnuts - otherwise the recipe worked out the same. Another of our favorites has been the baked zucchini with feta! So easy and so delicious!

    Hope you guys have a great day! I'm off to bed!

  • Morning chicks...

    Oh, Ruth, that is just so sad! I just cannot imagine what that family must be facing. Try to relax and enjoy your day.

    Cottage I am wiped today too...... sometimes a break in my routine makes it harder to get up and moving.

    Tara Hi there! I don't think we have met!

    Schatzers We have been having all kinds of crazy rain here as well. One minute is sunny and then a few minutes later the sky is overcast and ready to burst.

    Me- Well, made it successfully through two days of Phase 1 and promptly blew it. I am done beating myself up, I am just determined this time....

    This week is Vacation Bible School at our church. Very fun and fulfilling- exhausting too! My oldest daughter can participate with the elementary aged kids this year, so that is very cool for her. I love watching her confidence grow as she learns and experiences new things, it is so neat.

    Okay, I need to hit the shower and get some coffee. Chat with you all later!
  • Hi, Kiko. Your girls are absolutely adorable! It is nice to meet you. I've just joined up and I am so excited about this forum. Already I've been "saved" from cheating once just by someone encouraging me to keep going. I love the Texas rain! We spent five months at Goodfellow Air Force Base back in 2004 and the storms were incredible. I have so many pictures of clouds you wouldn't believe it!

    Have a good day! Hope VBS is great!

  • Schatzi and Kiko, I'm right in between you (geographically) with the rain. Right now it is sunny here, but who knows what the next 10 minutes will bring. Been storming off and on for days. Not complaining though..after the drought last year. I thought I was going to lose a huge old magnolia tree...the leaves were all turning brown and curling up and I had to begin watering it. The water bill was through the roof. I like it better when Mother Nature pays the bill! Plus with all the rain, it will make the roots on all the large pines etc stronger in case we get another hurricane this year. The local news channels began the first of all the hurricane preparedness programs last night. Sigh. Don't even want to think about it.

    Cottage, Turkey meatloaf sound like a great idea. I am out of EVERYTHING and need to go grocery shopping this morning and will pick up some turkey too..yum! Thanks for the idea. I joined a "menu club" last week and just got my first pdf file of menus and want to try some new recipes in there too.

    Kara, are you finding neat new vegs in Korea? Stuff we don't have over here? How long are ya'll going to be posted over there?

    Ruth, what a horrible situation for your friend's family! They are lucky to have a friend like you to stand by them and sympathize. He certainly did put his family in a bad postition. Going to the funeral is not what is important..it's being there afterwards that counts.I feel so sorry for the 7 year old Grandson who probably doesn't understand what is going on..and maybe that's a good thing. Bless his little heart.

    Me: Just working today and going to do some grocery shopping. I was outside a little while ago and found a cute, fat, tiny little baby bird on my patio which was way too young to fly. I was scared to let the dogs out because my Catahoula, Roux, might have made one gulp out of him. So I just kept the dogs inside and left the baby alone and he is gone now. I'm glad because I didn't want to have to care for a baby bird. We've raised a couple of baby squirrels that were found on the ground and I really don't want to raise any more babies!
  • Just went back outside and there was the baby bird again in the middle of my patio. I have an ice bucket on a stand I keep outside, so I put the baby in the bucket and moved the whole thing in the shade close to where I found it. I went and got it some seed and right after that it started squawking and a big Daddy Cardianal swooped over my head and he was MAD! I moved my big old buns inside this house quick! Now the Mama is out there jumping in and out of the bucket. I got a couple of shots of the baby before I was swooped on:

    Shot 1
    Shot 2
  • femme, I hope the little baby bird makes it! Cute story!

    Kiko, !!! Come on, hang in there! If I can do it, so can you!

    Kara, we were a military family, too. Jake was medically discharged after 13 years, though. We were stationed in Ethiopia for 3 years, and lived in Augsburg, Germany for 7 years. I still miss that kind of life, I loved it!

    Ruth, that is such sad and disturbing news regarding your friend's father! It seems there's so much more of that sort of thing going on than we're aware of these days. I hope you manage to have a "serene" day today.

    Schatzi, if you're still in the cleaning mode after doing your place, come on up to mine!

    I got quite a bit done so far today. Exercised, bought groceries, watered and deadheaded flowers, and made Turkey Meatloaf, Taco Bake, and Portobello Pizzas to stash in the freezer. I finally sat down to eat my yogurt and berries at 9:30. The sun is out and it's going to be a hot one!
  • Morning everyone.

    Ugh, I'm in for one heck of a day. Boss-man was gone yesterday and there are a bunch of disciplinary-type things we need to discuss...and he's late today!

    Schatzi: Thanks for the big wake up! It's been a rough morning and you always cheer me up!

    Kara: Welcome to the thread! WTG getting through days 1 - 5 of Phase 1. I always feel like the first week is the worst! Here's some for the rest of P1!

    Cottage: Morning, I hope polo gets rained out! (Not for the kids, of course, but for you!) You really are doing a great job getting to Curves regularly!

    Ruth: That is such a terrible situation for everyone involved. I hope you're able to have a wonderful week in spite of this!

    Kiko: I know what you mean. P1 is so hard to get through, especially the first few days! Vacation Bible School is going on this week as well. I wish I could help work there, but too much work!

    femme: That bird is adorable. With our dogs, birds don't go near the yard. (They have caught and killed several adult birds before!) Hope you have a great day!

    ME: I spent most of last night working on tagging the items for our yard sale Saturday. I'm hoping to finish the tagging tonight. Our tree guy bailed on us again, it seems like we'll never get those things out of the yard--and I was SO looking forward to it!

    Well, I've been posting forever (going back and forth with work stuff), so I'd better get a move on! Hope everyone has a beachy day!
  • Kim! I'm getting things ready for a yard sale this weekend, too. My DIL's neighborhood is having their community sale, and she needs my help, so I figured I may as well try to sell some of my stuff, as well!
  • Afternoon chickies.... back from the dentist and boy am I sore and frozen. So much for starting phase 1 today. I can't even eat. The weather is yucky again today and is going to be most of the week.

    Schatzi- Thanks for starting us up and the tea. It is the only thing I can have right now. Hope you have fun cleaning.

    Ruth- Hope today is better than yesterday. My heart aches for that poor family. What a great friend you are. Take care of yourself today.

    cottagebythesea-I hope you get your wish with the polo. Have a good day.

    tomandkara- Welcome to the beach. Look forward to getting to know you better.

    femmecreole - wow that is one little bird. Hope all goes well with him.

    Kim- I hope your work day goes alright. Sorry to hear about the tree guy. Doesn't make good business sense when people do that. Have a good one.

    Kiko- come on girl you can do it. I am in the same boat. Just take it one meal at a time. I am cheering for you girl.

    Me- nothing much I just keep popping my advil and hope that it doesn't hurt to much when the freezing is totally gone. I was frozen from my chin to the top of my head. I don't tolerate that stuff well. Anyway I have a beautiful smile now so it will be all worth it in the end.

    We must run and get some soup. Take care chicks.
  • Cindy came home today with a wee little fawn that she found laying injured on the side of the road. We think it had been hit by a car, it's poor little leg had an open wound and was infected. Cindy isn't equipped to do too much with small animals, so she called around and found someone who was willing to take it and care for it. It's illegal, but we just couldn't let her stay out in the wild and die. Anyway, we tucked her into a basket with a blanket and the girls and I drove way out to this person's home and dropped her off. Of course Maggie was in tears and didn't want to leave her, she and Audrey had already given her name. But we're back at my house for a while until it's time for Audrey's dance class, then after that I'm done for the day. Polo did get cancelled since it's looking like some strong storms are heading our way!
  • We has some heavy rain again yesterday. I was at the park where we are holding cub camp next week and we did a walk through our camp area afterwards. We have now identified our "tornado area" based on the lowest point of camp. It's where we have the most standing water right now. There are tons of mosquitoes but hopefully the standing water will be gone by the time camp starts. Otherwise archery will be a bit of the mess. We can move the one BB gun range that is currently swamped if we have to but we don't have another area we can use that will hold 20 archery stations.

    Things are finally falling in place. I've got a guy who will deliver and pickup the scissor lift the day of the egg drop and that will save us about $60 even with him getting us a much taller lift.

    I've got someone bringing the golf cart for the medical area.

    I found another cub camp willing to pick up the 52 bales of hay after camp and use it for their camp. Saves them money and saves us the effort of having to take them somewhere.

    I've created the camp map and just need to add color for the big map and printout copies of the small version in color. I even got Health & Safety to sign off on everything. There are still things to do (need some archery supplies, etc) but it is coming together.

    Tomorrow I will work from home so I can work on printing out a couple hundred of flyers for the Webelos overnight campout as well as the maps and some schedules. Then Thursday and Friday I am off work and busy getting stuff moved and setup. If you don't hear much from me, that's where I will be. I don't know if I'll have time to check in the week of camp but I'll be back when it is over and life resumes. I'm actually out of lunches in the freezer but I do have food for dinners so we are managing.