Happy Humpday! Wednesday Chat

  • Good Morning!

    I was running a little behind this morning, and I just got back from Curves. Another busy day is on tap, I have so much I want to do and don't know where to start! I guess getting to work on Audrey's lion costume should be first on the agenda, though, since her play is next Friday. I just don't want to be cooped up in the house sewing since it's so nice outside. I have a ton of plants that need to be planted, too, and I'd much rather be doing that. Oh, well, I'll get it all done, one way or the other.
  • Mornin Cottage and all you bodacious Beachbabes

    Cottage: working on the costume before the day starts and to wind down the day sounds like a good way to "gitrdone" and get your sunshine in and niggles done too!

    Sorry so scarce these days chickies..just alot on my plate at the moment. Speaking of which I gotta get going - I'll try to pop in later dolls!
  • hello

    i'm a bad poster.... i can barely keep track of my own life much less other folks... that's why i tend to shy away from here...

    but i wanted to say thanks for being here....
  • I am playing "hooky" today...taking off of work to go to Mississippi. My Daddy died a year ago today and my husband just happens to be off of work today, so we are going to go to the cememtery (about a 2.5 hour drive). My Mother and Sister are in North Carolina, so I will be the only one able to go...but they both felt better that I would be able to take off of work to make the trip. Afterwards we are going out to eat and go visit a cousin. Sounds "sad" but we always end up having a wonderful day when we make that trip...just hope the weather holds up. It rained all night long.

    I just came in from spraying for mosquitos, and cutting roses/day lilies for the cemetery..so I did get something "accomplished" today...down with mosquitos! Also got some client work done early so I could play hooky with a clear conscience!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Quote: I am playing "hooky" today...taking off of work to go to Mississippi. My Daddy died a year ago today and my husband just happens to be off of work today, so we are going to go to the cememtery (about a 2.5 hour drive). My Mother and Sister are in North Carolina, so I will be the only one able to go...but they both felt better that I would be able to take off of work to make the trip. Afterwards we are going out to eat and go visit a cousin. Sounds "sad" but we always end up having a wonderful day when we make that trip...just hope the weather holds up. It rained all night long.

    I just came in from spraying for mosquitos, and cutting roses/day lilies for the cemetery..so I did get something "accomplished" today...down with mosquitos! Also got some client work done early so I could play hooky with a clear conscience!

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    sounds like a busy day.
    blessings to you and your family and I hope you are ok visiting your dad. I never go see my mom. she's been gone nearly 12 years....
  • Good Morning Chickies.... the sun in shinning again and I am feeling a bit better today but still have a stuffy nose. I did accomplish a tidding of the house and the dishes are waiting for me to do. But I am just sitting and enjoying a tea while the wee ones are playing happily in the play room.We will go outside soon so I can play around in the yard doing some yard work and they can play in there play area. Tonight is filled with driving to dance and cheerleading and meeting my mom for coffee while I wait for the girls to finish up with there activities.

    Cottage- Thanks for getting up started up. And hope you get the costume finished. Have fun planting. Have a great day.

    Schatzi- your posts always make me smile even when they are short. Have a great day.

    ladybugnessa- We all have times when we are not great posters. But we are always here for each other. Have a wonderful day.

    femmecreole- I hope you have a peacful day and enjoy your visit with your dad, and family. Take care hon.

    Well I am off to finish reading the other posts and then I need to get those dishes done. Have a great day Chicks.

  • Morning Chickies.

    Not the best day for me. DH and I had dinner at his boss' last night and I didn't feel great when we left. Now I just feel awful. Needless to say, I'm not going to bother going to work today. I'm going to go back to bed. Have a great Wednesday!
  • Hey Chicks,
    How's the rays on the beach? Today, I am doing alright. I'm a little upset about the whole defense budget bs going on right now. My DH is in the army but other than that all is going well. This is DD's last week of school and she came home yesterday with a ton of different awards including a trophy because she had the highest average in her grade level. DH and I are so proud of her we told her we would take her out to dinner at whatever restaurant she chooses and of course, she chose Olive Garden. YIKES!!!
    Thank god it's a four day weekend for my DH. My mom is coming all the way from Hawai'i for a visit and our guest room is full of storage so we have a lot of cleaning to do. I'm so happy she's coming I haven't seen her in nearly a year but, I'm also dreading it. She wants me to drive her to Savannah to go to Paula Deen's restaurant a nearly 2 hour drive one-way and to Myrtle Beach a 4-hour drive one-way. On top of having to rent a van the gas is going to kill me. Well at least she's bringing some island favorites.
    KIM - I hope you feel better.
    Have a great hump day everyone,
  • So far so good. I have managed to stay on track for 2 days.
  • I could swear I posted in here around 11 this morning! There must have been a system hiccup!

    Quick post for now as my garden helper is overdue to arrive for his orders. I have some pesky plants for him to turf out and have sprayed them all with fluorescent red paint. That saves having to stand there and point as he digs!

    The knee shot went OK. The doc said the effect is cumulative and I would not have felt any difference after the first shot. Maybe this one will give a bit of relief - it feels great now because it's frozen. Maybe I should go out and dig the back forty!

    I'll definitely get back to working out tomorrow or Friday.

    Right now I am going to sit on the porch, admire my flower baskets and sip green tea for a while. The kitchen floor is done, walls are painted and trim is done and painted. Now I wait for the cabinet guy to come - probably Friday. It's going to be another crackhouse weekend but I can see progress now!

    Happy May!