Lo Carb Club #11 The Bus Is Rolling- The Christmas Carols Are Playing!

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  • Please be sure to catch up on #10 before posting here!

    I'm here! I told you guys I wold have to fight my way for computer time with my 18 year old home from college and hubby being "inside" with the cold weather! I read all your posts and it makes me feel HOME AGAIN! Thank you! I will TRY to get on everyday...but it is tough. I went dress shopping two nights in a row for something for the Christmas party. I am sooo discouraged! I need a size 18 or 20. There is NOTHING out there! I am going again tomorrow to a different mall. Please keep your fingers crossed! I am looking for something below the knee, long sleeved, solid, and figure flattering. Something classy. I do not think that is too much to ask for....but seriously, all I can find are spaghetti strapped prom looking gowns and "matronly" looking crap! Everything is either petite....or "bubbba" looking! I am really disguisted! (Okay..no more whining......just keep your fingers crossed!) ** Sigh **

    Not much else new around here. I am really enjoying having our youngest home for the holidays. (Except for the computer thing. - He just came down and asked how long I would be!!) There is more LIFE in the house again...and that is nice! He and I went shopping last night and I got a few ideas on what he and his brother would like from "Santa." I will need a small loan! Hmmmmmm....it was much easier to shop for them when they were little!

    I have managed to stay on plan! There is still some PIE in the fridge which yells my name so loud from time to time that I can't believe the neighbors haven't called the cops! We brought home 4....count 'em FOUR pies from my brothers house. We are now down to 1 and 1/2. I keep telling the guys, "Have some pie!" I want rid of it before I cave!!!! LOL

    I had a physical and they did some blood work. My cholestrol was 245 and the doctor said I need to lower it. Okay...here is a question.-------I did not have my cholestrol checked BEFORE going low carb....so I have NO IDEA what is was 44 pounds ago. Is it UP or is it DOWN from June 15, 2001 when I went on plan. Bigger question......what do I do to get it DOWN!!??? I want to continue on lpan because I am having success losing weight....but I need to lower it. I do NOT want to go on meds if I can avoid it. I have been told to drink a grape/apple juice/vinegar mixture (okay...loaded with carbs) and to eat oatmeal (carbs, again!) I have already decided to cut out cheese and have gone to one egg for breakfast instead of 2. I have been eatting less red meat and more chicken/fish. If anyone has suggestions, I will definately appreciate them! Also.....have any of YOU had your cholestrol checked recently?

    Okay.......I have been RAMBLING...much like I have not talked to you all in awhile! (Hmmmmmm) LOL

    Anyway.......the kid needs to get on line with some buddies - (Most all his friends are away at school so he gets a bit bored!) Sooooooo....I will be a good mommy and give up the keyboard!

    I will get a hello in to each of you tomorrow - Lord willing!.

    Stay on plan! Move your butt! And enjoy the lovely Christmas selections I have popped into the bus's cd player!

    Know that each one of you is in my daily thoughts and prayers. HOW BAD DO YOU WANT OUT OF THESE FAT SUITS??????? I swear......even with 44 pounds off my cottage thighs in those big dressing room mirrors were enough to make me cry! I still hate shopping - even at THIS SIZE!!! But I have to do it because "I need a dress."
    "I need a dress."
    "I NEED A DRESS!!!!!!"

    I will catch you all tomorrow!

    Dana (Still HOPEFUL!!!)
  • Hey all,

    Day 2 at the job was great. I feel alive again. It is amazing how the prison atmoshere affected me.

    I am OP. Doing great. Even with all the stress of a new job. I think I am more active at this job. Using the stairs and not getting much time to even think about eating.

    Dana, Look at the jc penny x-mas catalog they has some nice flattering dresses. For a dress. Also on line go to www.jessicalondon.com. They have some nice stuff in the catalog for the holidays.
    Diet wise. It is hard to know what to do. your chol might have been higher and is going down. However I have heard that w/ atkins that this is a potential side effect. My suggestions would include picking 1-2 meatless days. measure your meat portions and only have 1-2 days that are red meat. in regards to including carbs in your diet pick ones that are high fiber. like a fiber 1 cereal. remeber when you check the carbs you subtract the fiber carbs # from teh total carbs #. I have been using teh glycemic index as a guide to what I eat, anything less than 50 as well as counting cals and exercise. I know the weight loss is slower, but I am ok with that.

    Hey Sue how are you?

    Terri Hope you are feeling better.

    Where is everyoine else?
    Gotta run
  • I am comming in strong. Where are our girls?? Mary, BOO, Lee, Did i miss any??? (pam I know you are lurking)

    Pat i am right here and going strong. i am excited this 4 day end of the moth challenge is working.

    Dana i need to know what your other numbers are. it depends onthe good to bad choletsterol ratio. some people do se an elevation on this diet so do not sispair but the other numbers are the real clue if you have a high ratio of good:bad coloesterol then the high number does not caoun in the bad was so give the doc a call and ask what the ohter numbers are you need the trigliceride, HDL , and LDL OK?

    and like pat says trim the fat, eat leaner cuts of meat, cut the cheese (OUT that is) Eat more tuna that has omega oils that are good. then there is some sugestions of taking codliver oil (I can not stand the thought) but that will help to (there is a lemon flavored kind that i hear is nt bad with no aftertaste) if you try to take fish oil caps there are some things that you need to knnow like hot to tell if it is fresh, but i have never had luck with them and keep burping cod so i stay away from them make scarambled eggs and use one whole egg and 2 whites that will increase your protein and still fill you.

    Terri HI!
  • Ooops...posted on #10
    Well, I posted and poured my heart out in #10 only to find that #11 was "up and running." What's REALLY going on? Ha! Please read my last post...if you want to...just so I know that all that emotion was not spent in vain. Ha/ha! Gee, you gals sound like low-carb experts. No cheese???!!! Why no cheese? That's one of the reason I enjoy low carbing. Please don't break my heart too bad. I am a cheese-eater BIGTIME! Break it to me easy if you have to. ha! And someone please explain the "don't eat peanut" factor??? And then red meat?? And then egg yokes aren't really good to eat?? Lordy, what am I going to eat?? This is a day in my life, cheesey eggs, peanuts for snacks, a hamburger patty with cheese for dinner. OH NOOOOOO!! Somebody please help me. Orrrr...is this for someone with high cholesterol? I'm fused.
  • Lovin life you do not have to give up your cheese. Dana is having a problem with her cholesterol at this time it may be her body is adjusting to this woe, or it may be on it's way down or the numbers do not totaly reflect the actual good/bad ratio. you can have mildly high elevated cholesterol and still have good numbers with the ratios. I did go back and read your post and it was wonderful! You have so much to be thankful for how wonderful.

    Pam I hear you the duct tape is out!!! let me give you some graphic visualizations i gal jug of milk is the same in size as 6 lbs of fat. so think of how much fat you had lost if i remembver you had gone past several milestones...... and think of all those galons of milk!!! and also think if how heavy that many gallons of milk is!!! what a chore it is to carry even just 4 (28 lbs of fluid weight each galon of milk is 7 actual lbs) hope that helps to get your determination back..

    I have been doing good today. I made chilli and left the beans out. I also am making spaghetti for the kids but their is meatballs
  • Hey Gals
    Hi there!!!! I havent been very good with the 4 day OP but only because Im still nauseated and dont feel like eating anything... GEEZ!!!!! I know I said I wanted some help in curbing my appetite BUT I sure didnt mean it to be like this..........anyway, I havent eaten hardly anything so Im sure the scale will go down, just not a very healthy way to go....

    LovinLife---Yep, I read your last post... CONGRATS on the 2 lb loss over Thanksgiving...thats wonderful.....

    Pat-Sue_Dana---hello, glad you are all doing great!!! Dana, I guess I can only suggest what the others have told you, cut back on meats and cheese and see what happens...I just had my physical and my cholestrol was down a few (its not very high to begin with)....

    Pam------WE ARE COMING WITH THE DUCT TAPE.......GONNA STICK YOUR BUNS TO THE FRONT SEAT AND MAKE YOU SING ALONG TO THE CHRISTMAS SONGS DANA PUT IN FOR US...THAT SHOULD KEEP YOU BUSY FOR AWHILE...HAHAHA..I know I will need the duct tape by the first of the year to really stay OP everyday..right now Im just maintaining.....

    Well, back to work tomorrow,,,Ive been busy with FlyLady cleaning .....had dentist appt and hair appt today so was gone most of day.... Ive been spending WAY TOO MUCH time reading...

    Ive been reading the "LEFT BEHIND" SERIES.....took me about 1 month to read all nine books......THEY ARE EXCELLENT!!! I couldn't put them down.....there is another series called the ??????? ( my memory just went blank) I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS...I WILL HAVE TO GET BACK TO YA .......I think its the TCCT series, not sure..anyway they are suppose to be really good also....The Left behind series is about the rapture and the SECOND COMING.... but put into a story.....really neat!!!!!

    Well, I guess its time for me to start thinking of Christmas shopping...we are having work gift exchange in 2 weeks and I havent even bought anything.......So I will be busy trying to get Christmas gifts bought and decorations up this week.....

    Talk to everyone later.......Take Care
  • Hello My Friends!
    The computer is miiiiiiine! ALL MINE!

    I have been doing fine on plan...but have not exercised for the past few days. I could use the excuse that I have been busy....which is true......BUT....I need to MAKE time. (nasus...slap me and get it over with! LOL)

    terri....I saw the movie, Left Behind. It freaked me out! Interesting concept. I love movies.....but I hate to read! (Sad, but true!) Thanks for the good word. Hope the scale shows a loss for ya......but I hope you feel better and get back on plan soon!

    fralick........I have been thinking about you adjusting to the new job! That has to be tough. I know that you will do great! You have such a wonderful outgoing personality that you will surely be successful in every way. A BIG thank you for the web address for jessica london. I checked it out and found 2 dresses that I am sending for. (I had heard of chardiwck...but had never heard of that one.) I have ALWAYS been a jc penny shopper and I DID find something in their catalog as well. I found NOTHING at the malls! I was soooo dissapointed. Congrats again on your "scale success." If I have to wrestle my son for the computer tomorrow...YOU may have to put up the Friday Weigh In Site! (I will think of a poem, tho!) You help keep me fired up!!! "Deck the Bus With Lo Carb Snacks......fa la la la laaaaaa la la la laaaaaaa!

    nasus.....thanks so much for the "heads up" about the cholestrol thing. I go back to the doctor on Monday to get all test results back and I will ask for a copy of ALL the numbers and let you know what they are. I had NO idea about any of the other things you mentioned and good/bad cholestrol. Once I get all the results and give them to you. perhaps you can give me a bette picture of "what's up." Right now, I am simply cutting back on the eggs/cheese/red meat/peanuts. It is NOT that hard. I have made some legal substitutions with chicken and fish...so.....I will see. You are "right on" with everything you said. It cold have been WORSE before...but who knows! (I hated to go to the doctor 44 pounds ago because I was embarrassed about my weight.......hmmmmmmmmm....sound familiar to anyone!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!) Anyway...enough about me! Keep up the good work and continue to keep us all in line and safely seated! I promise as your driver not to leave my seat....but I have long arms......don't let me reach out the window for any brownies or shocolate covered pretzels this holiday season!!

    lovinlife......Smile.....I went back and read your post on #10. Thank you for sharing! You can have MY cheese, babe! I just found out that my cholestrol level is 245. But....I have no idea what it was BEFORE I lost the 44 pounds......so is it UP or DOWN??? Anyway....I am cutting back on high cholestrol foods right now in order to get it down. I am still low carbing FOR LIFE....I just need to "tweak" my program in order to continue to be successful in every way! (My favorite cheese if longhorn.......eat some for me!!! LOL)

    gbo.......you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your back is feeling better. It is so good to see you post! Your WARRIOR spirit lifts me! (Did you know that I have a bit of Sioux in me?)

    Who did I miss?????? I wanted to give a quick HELLO to each of our bus riders...but hubby is calling me to go watch SURVIVOR with him. (It is our "bonding time" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL) He loves Thursday for Survivor and CSI.

    Anyway...TOMORROW is Friday......and that means WEIGH IN DAY....so make sure you check out that thread. It is our way to stay ACCOUNTABLE on this BUS TO GOAL!!! Even if Mr. Scale is NOT kind to you....share something nice with us!

    FOR ALL YOU LURKERS OUT THERE!!!!!!! If you want to get on this bus to goal....JOIN US! We are a nice group of people who want to RID OURSELVES of these FAT SUITS and are DOING IT!!!

    My best to you all!
    Dana (Always HOPEFUL...and thankful for you all!
  • Mt fellow Weight Warriors.......
    I am back in the saddle again and heading for that distant sunset
    (side saddle of course) to the place where dreams are born. I thank you for the duct tape and the visuals!!!!!!! Oh those nasty milk jugs!!!!!!!!
    It is much easier to stay OP (and thats sometimes a war) than to begin again. Getting going is the hardest thing.
    Susie Q..... God do I know about the doctor thing. Over a year ago my dear ones, I was scheduled for an MRI by a neurologist who would help me resolve all the issues before me and there are many. It is hard to find a Doctor who will really work with you and listen to what you are saying. My Mother said to me casually well Honey you have put on some weight what is the weight limit at the hospital? Panic hit me like a thunder bolt! I ran and weighed myself and as you all know I weighed 338 lbs. I called the hospital aand asked about the weight limit. 300 lbs. I had not been back to the doctor until my recent back emergency. I refused to have to travel to the MRI center where they had special machines for those of us to big for the standard machines.
    I would lose that 38 lbs and pray these hernias would hold out.
    I thought it would be just a month or so but here it is well over a year later. How easy it is to sink back into the numbing food adiction. To eat whatever you fancy no matter how badly it steals your life or stands you before your own grave. The pain in joints and body the damage to your entire body. Damage unrealized for years.....even then when you know what is happening it is so easy to be seduced back into oblivion. Turning a blind eye to all but sensation. A moment of pleasure for a lifetime of grief. How can it be so easy when you know. How ? Yet it happens and the mind shuts down the knowledge allowing me to fragment my vision and see only what is comfortable to permit the actions that steal my life, my hope and dreams. But I am back in action full swing again and not long this time did I stray because I do know and because you are here to pick me up , dust me off and strap me in . God Bless you all.
  • Good Morning all,

    Whew the week sped by, didn't it? AM OP all the way around! I seem to be moving more at this job than I did at the old job, stairs and all. No time to evem think about eating more than my lunch. Getting the water in has been a challenge though as well as the nessesary potty breaks. .

    Still making the nessesary transition adjustments from prison to civilan life. That will take some time. I am pleased that I haven't succumbed to stress eating. Although all the other counselors seem to have baskets of candy in their offices. I was having stress cravings yesterday but didn't succumb. I was also craving l;ast night and as shopping is this weekend there wasn't anything legal around. So I didn't have anything!! I am looking to recharging myself this weekend.

    Well I will start the weight loss thread for Dana, who promises our poem.

    Pam Nice to see you sitting up on the bus again. Where are you at medically etc.?

    Dana, thanks for the kind words. They are very helpful and apprciated. You will have to take a picture of yourself and post it somehow after the party

    Sue , You are awesome girl!! The challenge is up how did you do?

    Terri, how are you feeling? ANy better?

    LL- I still haven't checked out your post yet . Heading over in a minute.

    Hey you others how are you doing? Lee, B00, Mary?
  • Hi dana!!
  • Just had to get the hi in to dana as i see she is posting the same time I am!!!

    Oh girls i am really tired i had a great day OP all the way i am finding out tons of info regarding ADD/ and ADHD and a tremendous link to finding solutions with low carb!! beleive it or not, if you have any friends with kids with those problems let me know i can send some links to them that are absolutly facinating!! and they really make you go DUHHHHH

    So with that in mind i will post quickly as i have had a busy day.
    DH's dr appt went tremendous!!! I was so glad. Yes he will have surgery some time in jan- feb. he will have a 8 inch scar on his hip that is to ensure that the bursa comes out intact. but it will be done in an outpatient setting YEA!!! Went to go and pick up the popcorn for the boyscouts (whole troup), my DD went on a camping trip for girlscouts, i was busy!!!

    Pat have some bars on hand that will help with those darn carvings. I find them much help!!! and i am glad the week went well for you!!! I finished the 4 day challenge and did great!! I saw movemnt of the scale!! and am carrying it on to next week!!

    Pam I love to read your posts. they do come from the heart i feel the same way. we are so self destructing but we do not even think when we are stuffing it in our faces it is a brief moment of reality that gives us the guilt when we do that.

    Dana i will not slap you HE HE I am getting out the whip!!! this is when i was going so strong last year i fell by the way side and started with the no exercise then it was some carbs then it was hog fest for 20 lbs!!! I will not let you do that!!! I had lost 50 and i back slit almost half my loss!!! It sounds like you are doing the right things for your diet. when you get your results let me know OK???

    LL, Terri, Mary, BOO I am thinking of you!!

    Terry i must have missed your post about eading the series. i have not read it i knew that it would have had me totally captivated, and afraid to sleep at night so i willl not read it. god luck with the other series. Good luck with the bug. make sure that you drink all your water!!! and take potassium if you are having the sqirts that wil tend to drain your body of potassium, and with drinking as much as you do it will be a good idea to make sure that you take it!!!
  • My God it is quiet!! I refused to talk to myself all weekend so I just lurked. Where is everyone?

    Oh well. Quiet weekend. DH was working so I was pretty much on my own. Trying to plan for my new schedule, I will be working mostly 10-7, which sucks being new man on the totem poll but what can you do?

    OP and got all my water in yesterday!!! I started a 5 day challnege over at the 100# club. I really want that 5 #'s gone before the holiday. Well gotta go w/o.
    Sue did I miss soemthing? You are looking up adhd and what's up w/ DH?

    Hey everyone check in!
  • My kids i believe have add not adhd but it is very similar there are meal plans for that, all low carb. i have been working on them and having mild success. i need to hide thier stashes of candy and make them aware that eating behind my back is no good. my 8 & 7 year ols rode thier bikes to the store saturday just to buy candy!!! without me knowing it.

    DH needs to have surgery to have a bursa removed he hit it 25 years ago and it has been getting worse every year he now has agreed to have it removed so it will be done in jan.

    not much else going on here. i am just plugging away and exercisisnt. trying to make sure i get my protein intake in. staying op but i know i over did thefat thisweekend. and a bit extra on the salt. so i am trying to make up for that. but all is well otherwise.

    Yes it is qiet here but we will stay and keep the bus runing for all. OOOOO watch out there is a sharp trun ahead>>>>> woooa we just made it

    is all you riders OK????

    PAT 5"??? wow i must do mine!!! I have not measured since the begining of october!!!
  • Good Morning all!

    My goodness it is so quiet on the bus. I wish taht the lurkers would check in. Lee, B00, Mary, Terri, Pam Let us know what's up with you all. OP/not OP, exercising or not. This is the place to get support/ praise and encouragement. The holiday times are approaching, with many carb filled treats available at home work and out and about. The new place I work at has bowls of candy all over, UGH!!! And I had 2 pieces of hard candy yesterday, a bit of stress eating. So my goal is to return to the mantra "if I didn't bring it in it isn't mine to eat!"

    Today I see the PT for the pinched nerve in my neck. I hope there is something that can be done as it is driving me nuts.

    Sue isn't it amazing how many illness' and dieseases improve with lo carb eating? Sure makes you wonder. I have arthritis and pMS which have both improved immensely sincve I switched and maintained consistantly w/ the lo carb eating. So what and who are you presenting to? Does this have to do with your new career? Yes 5 inches!! teh size 20's I bought aren't tight at all!!

    Dana, How are you?

    See you all tomorrow
    Just checking in for a minute.....have tons of Christmas cleaning and getting my tree and decorations up ......also need to do some shopping......

    Hope everyone is doing well......we are all back to good health here....finally........

    I will check in later tonight to talk to all of you...take care