I fell off the wagon... but I clung onto the back with my legs scraping the dirt!

  • Some of you might remember me, maybe not. I used to be really active around here for the better part of.. I dunno, 8 months or so. I was doing great with my eating and exercising, had lost more than 40 pounds... until I stopped coming here. I thought, I was so close, I didn't really need the support.

    I was wrong. My success story? I'm back. I may not be as active as I once was, but I plan to get myself back on track and 3FC was my BIGGEST motivation for my weight loss. I've had my fun, eaten like I used to and gained back 10 pounds since February. I'm ready to get serious again. Can you help me, girls? I know what I need to do, can you help me get there? It's been so long since I was told that I was doing a good job I'm trying though, I really am.

    Since I basically demolished most of the good habits that I'd picked up over the course of a year, I'm slowly working back up to them. I've gotten into drinking TONS of soda, foregoing water completely. Three days ago, I made a promise to myself that I will drink at LEAST equal amounts of water and soda, with a goal to drink more water every day. So far so good.

    It's good to be back.
  • Welcome backLadyFirelyght to 3fc, I do think there is one of us out there who struggle with our weight that has not fallen of the waggon at one time or another. The important thing is that your back on the weight loss journey and have learnt something important that will help you in the future. Good luck for the future and getting to your goal.

  • Hehe, yes, who has *never* fallen off the wagon, even for a very brief moment? The most important thing anyway is to climb back on it!

    Welcome back to 3FC!
  • Welcome back, and congratulations on getting restarted before you gained ALL the weight back, that's an accomplishment in itself!
  • Welcome back and congrats!

    Hanging onto the back of the wagon is a heckuva lot better than sitting with your rump in the mud!
  • Quote: Welcome back and congrats!

    Hanging onto the back of the wagon is a heckuva lot better than sitting with your rump in the mud!
    haha, too true. Too true.

    Little choices really add up, I tell you. The last few days at work (I work at McDonald's), I've been resisting the cinnamon melts (they're kind of like the inner part of a cinnamon roll). I let myself have them a couple times a week when I fell off... but they're 460 calories a pop! Holy cow, what was I thinking?! I've been resisting them, though. Woo hoo!
  • LYDIALYDIALYDIALYDIALYDIA! I'm SO happy to see you! We missed you over in BTB! Welcome back!
  • If you did it once, you can and will do it again!!
  • Welcome back!! I know what you mean about falling off and gaining some back. I did that too. Fell off and gained 7 of my 33 back. I just finally dropped that 7 and am back where I was last year at this time. There is always room on this wagon. I'll even slide over for you!!!