My worst day so far

  • I have no idea what's wrong with me! I've been feeling munchie all day and that is not normal for me since I've been eating well. Luckily, I only have healthy things to munch on but I need to STOP! This is definitely the worst day I've had since Jan 16! Any suggestions? I've already exercised, read, bathed, and brushed my teeth. hahaah I've got to get a grip!

    It's 1:00 and I've eaten 1000 more until dinner....and then I'll have this day behind me.

    Glad this place exists!
  • Get a big ol' glass of water and drink it up. then another. You're gonna do fine - remember those numbers you're getting close to!!!
  • Yes to the water. Plan at least one low calorie snack for this afternoon and make sure you have a healthy dinner planned out ahead of time. Keep checking in here for accountability during the day. Keep looking ahead. Those kind of days just happen and planning helps keep me on track. Can you get out and take a short walk (away from anything to munch) this afternoon? Good luck.
  • I have munchie days. I figure if I have had my water I need and I am still feeling munchie, I have healthy munchie stuff. I would definitely have a mid afternoon low calorie snack so that you don't go too long without food.

    Hang in there!!
  • Hummm-it must be contagious......maybe it's something to do with the weather?
  • water as was suggested is great, or how about snacking on some fruit or veggies, if you get the munchies. I always get the munchies when my period is near, so I try and stock up on fruit. Remember tomorrow is a new day you can do it!!
  • Oh gosh, one of THOSE days. Just when you start to think those are well past us - BOOM! They hit ya like a ton of bricks. Which just goes to show you there will ALWAYS be days like that. *sigh*

    -Water is definitely a good thing to have and lots of it. Seltzer is also good for times like this.
    -Maybe chew some gum.
    - Look/read in your journal (if you have one obviously). Reflect on why you started your journey in the first place and just how far you've come.
    -Clean/ straighten up the house
    -Go for a walk
    -If you can go on the computer and do some "window" shopping, stuff you might want to buy as you get lighter.
    -I would also definitely plan a light snack and then a light dinner. No reason to punish yourself by depriving yourself, that can only lead to even more
    -Keep your chin up. Forgive yourself. You're only human. You have been doing amazingly well. One day of the muchies will not put back on the 40 pounds you've lost. Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • Thanks guys. It's been 2 hours and I'm MUCH better. I'm satisfied and I'm feeling back in control. If I need a snack before dinner I have a lovely, ripe pear waiting for me.

    I called my sister and talked to her for a good long time. That was helpful.

    Today is day 1 of my period...I'm wondering if that's where this all originated. I hate making excuses, though, so I'm not willing to just chalk it up to that and eat. I think it's just something I have to learn to work through.

    Thanks for all your help and encouragement.

    One more thing...another trick that kind of helped..I drank some Crystal Light Peach tea instead of water for a bit. It satisfied my need to "taste" something.
  • Good for you, you're back in control! My TOM does that to me occassionally and I'll end up having a day like yours, where all I want to do is eat all day, and I'm not even hungry! In addition to the water/flavored waters, I try to keep sugar free gum around so that I feel like I'm chewing. Good luck with the rest of the day, sounds like the worst of it is behind you!
  • It happens don't beat yourself up over it, but get right back on plan .

    PS, I am having one of those days myself , as long as it doesn't turn into a week long binge I will be OK.
  • TOM can definitely send me munchy hunting, but if I drink my water and have a mostly protein snack that normally helps. If I try and fix my munchies with snacks that are mostly carbs that normally does not cut it... celery and peanut butter, fruit and some almonds or a boiled egg or cheese and a couple of crackers those normally work for me and I can normally keep those at 200 calories or less.
  • I'm having a day like that too! I agree with the gum. That totally helps me!
  • Yesterday was my munchy, HUNGRY day. I cooked up most of a cauliflower, a few other lowlow carb veggies, and some chicken breast, almost double what I'm allotted for the day. Just kept munching a little bit between meals every time hunger got to be unbearable again, & dowsed all with about 2 EXTRA quarts of water over the day. Finished up with a fresh granny smith apple, also above my allotment, but without it I was too hungry to sleep!

    This morning, I woke up NOT hungry for once, and my weight has not gone up at all! Potential crisis averted! (Just saying it can work out well, if you don't panic, okay?)
  • Things ended up great. My son had a track banquet last night and they catered bbq. NOT one of my favorite things so it was easy to eat little!!! I had about 1/4 c pulled pork - no sauce and about 1/2 c baked beans. Enough to satisfy me for the rest of the evening but keep me within my calorie allotment. Thanks for being here, everyone! Support and accountability both really do help!!!!