RANT: A tennis match w/ the naturally thin.

  • I have this friend. We will call her Edna. Edna is the life size version of Mailbu Barbie. She's gorgeous, but not fake gorgeous. She has these arms that are the perfect blend of muscle and bone, mostly muscle.

    Edna and I worked out together today.

    I have been a regular, 60+ minutes/5+ days a week (for the most part) exerciser (or exercisor?) for over 3 years. I eat really well. I impress people at work with my brown bag lunches. I can actually kinda run these days. I feel.... great. Phenomenal.

    So why is it that when I work out with Edna, I look like a clumsy amateur that wouldn't know an elliptical from a tennis racket? She's not a workout junky and she still manages to have her cocktails and when we went running today and played tennis, she looked like she was ready for the US Open... and the Boston Marathon. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a workout buddy in Nashville and she will definitely get my butt in gear, but every once in a while I get knocked over by what a process this really is. Will I ever be able to run with someone like that and not feel like I have been on my couch for a month? At the most, I would just like my arms to periodically stop flapping against my torso (that's kinda new, wonder what's up with that).

    And the girl had the nerve to tell me that her biggest issue with maintaining her weight (if you want to call it that) was portion control.... this was right after we had lunch and she ate half of a wrap and about 8 french fries.

    I must say, however, it is interesting to observe the habits of the naturally thin and I will definitely be looking for more things to pick up from her, this is for sure.

    And what's with the humidity? I'm going to use up all the water in the south with all the showers.

    Thanks for letting me rant...
  • Quote:
    And the girl had the nerve to tell me that her biggest issue with maintaining her weight (if you want to call it that) was portion control.... this was right after we had lunch and she ate half of a wrap and about 8 french fries.
    She may indeed have a problem with portion control.

    That's how I've been eating lately, and what has allowed me to keep my weight off. But I have problems with portion control, and not following sensible habits caused me to get chubby.
  • What's interesting about that part (and you are right, she could have issues with it- I've just never seen it when she's around me), is that when she stopped not even 1/3 the way through her meal, I was about midway through my grilled chicken salad and I noticed that when she stopped, I was full, too. Normally, (as grilled chicken salad with balsamic is my favorite meal in the world), I probably would have kept on going, not even realizing that I was satiated.

    And the struggle marches on...
  • I wish I had someone like that to hang around with. I find whenever I'm with someone like that I eat better and exercise more often, they're very motivational to be around.
  • Yesterday she exposed me to the world of uphill sprints...
  • I think she is going to be good for you to hang around with...she'll keep you on your toes.