21 Days to Beat a Rut ... Day 12

  • Since I've found daily and/or meal planning threads and so on very encouraging let's try this. 21 days. Set you own parameters. I'm not even setting a goal. I just need to kick things up a bit. Stir up some enthusiasm.

    There's no good reason for me to have an off plan day in 3 measly weeks. Is there?
    Here's my general plan ...1400 cals of superfoods with 150 gms of protein (on average), some jogging in each daily walk and a four day weight lifting split with heavier weights.

    Anybody in? It's only three weeks. Who knows what kind of new habits we can form!

    And it doesn't matter if you're a day or 2 or 7 behind just find the thread for day 21
    and begin. There will always be a link to the next day, so that you can progress along with everyone else.
  • I'm so discombobulated! I just sat down at the computer this morning and the hospital called and wanted me to work.
    I missed the latest threads. I had to buy cafeteria food ... oh dear!

    I sincerely hope someone is having a better day 12.
  • Well - I pushed my shopping trolley down the 'snack food aisle' THREE times this afternoon, because - OH BOY - do I want to much!!!

    But I didn't buy anything... if I get desperate, I do have celery carrots and fresh salsa in the house... but of course I can't eat them in front of the TV!!
  • I'm glad Heather was a pro about her challenge ... my day never got any better. Do you think there's something psycological for me about Tuesday and Wednesday's ... lawdy! 2122 cals! 40% fats!!!

    On to the next day ....