Weight loss incentive

  • I have come up with an incentive that should keep me motivated. At the moment I am 164 lbs, 10lbs heavier than my signature says, however i dont have the heart to add the extra 10lbs, so I am going to try and loose them fairly quickly.

    I have made a pact. I love to buy clothes - everytime I go out I buy a new piece of clothing. My pact is to not buy any more clothes until I am a size 12 bottom. I am currently a 14.

    Temptation is going to be there - but it should give me some more motivation to shed the last 24lbs I have to. I know when i get there i will be so much happier and more confident and the clothing I buy will be completely different again.

    Here is where I start a new me....
    I know I have said it before, but this time I mean it.
  • Good luck loopy, with your current weight loss I'm sure you will do well. Good Luck xx
  • Quote: Here is where I start a new me....
    I know I have said it before, but this time I mean it.
    Just because we've said it before, doesn't mean that this time we can't make it happen

    Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • Good luck I'm in the same boat with clothes and I'm running out of stuff, so I'm gonna have to lose it soon to fit into my smaller wardrobe!

    Also at about the same weight actually, so maybe we can help each other along
  • that would be brilliant.
    What a great idea.