I'm 30yrs old, 300+lbs & ready to start over!

  • I turned 30 back in January of this year & realized how miserable I felt. I didn't have a problem with the age, but my weight; that's what got to me. I wasn't sure how much I weighed, but knew it was the heaviest I had ever been. A couple of months passed & I received a call from LA Weight Loss to come back! I figured it had to be a sign from a higher power!! I rejoined 13 days ago (weighing in at 368lbs) & have lost 10.6 pounds! I'm so excited! The program has been really easy for me!

    My husband (of 7yrs) & I really want to have a baby soon, I'm going to use that as my motivation. I want to lose as much as possible before I do get pregnant, I want to have a healthy & enjoyable pregnancy!

    Just wanted to share my goal!
  • Steph, hello and to our little group. It's great that you have lost some weight and that you have a motivation for continuing to loose. Come join us, jump right on in, on the daily threads each day (we combine Sat & Sun because of less posts). I am sure that you will make friends and find encouragement here.

  • Wow! Congrats on the weight loss.

    Something like wanting to have a baby will be great motivation. My mum got married a couple of years ago and had a really hard time trying to get pregnant because of her weight (she's just under 250lb I think) and had a pretty tough time during both her pregnancies since then because of high blood pressure. Definitely something to think about.

    I wish you all the luck in the world!
  • Hello!
    It sounds like you are already on the right track!! Way to go already on your weight loss! You know, both times I got pregnant (and the kids are 9 1/2 years apart!!) I weighed 245 on my scale naked and 250 at the doctors scale and I am 5'8. I know weight can be a problem for some with conceiving but it wasnt for me. They do say overweight moms have higher chances of problems so it is best to weigh less but I just wanted to encourage you....Good luck!!

  • Hi Stephy! Welcome! Come join us on the daily thread!
  • Hey,

    Congrats on the weight loss. I just turned 30 this April. I am going through the same thing. I don't mind the age, or the gray hair starting to come in but I want to live the rest of my life healthy and energetic. I think 30 is an age you look back on and think what do I want to do different. This is the one thing I want to change. Diabetes runs in my family and my Dad just got diagnosed with it a couple of years ago. I am such a high risk. I need to lose weight for me and my children. I don't want them to have to take care of me when I am old.

    Anyway, it would be great to keep in touch and email one another. Sometimes 10 lbs doesn't seem that much because we have so much to lose. That is an AWESOME start. Don't give up and keep going! I am so proud of you.

    I think I will do the superfoods. It's not really a diet but a change in your eating habits. I know for me I need a change for the rest of my life. I will never be able to eat the same again. With God's help anythings possible!

    God Bless,