High Blood Pressure?

  • I'm not sure if this goes here as having high bp doesn't make it harder for me to lose, it's the most compelling medical reason I have to lose. But I thought I'd check here just in case. I may cross-post around.

    I have battled my weight all my life. I've been everything from under to over and average and back again and I've never had high bp. My health just never suffered (no high cholesterol, easy pregnancy - except for high bp in the end, etc) because of my weight. I've even been pretty fit at times. But now I have high bp and I'm trying to control it with diet and exercise instead of meds.

    Anyone else managed to get your bp down with diet and exercise? Anyone losing to lower your bp? Any thoughts? I'd welcome advice from someone with experience or anyone just starting out.

    Maybe we could have a "lowering your bp" support group?
  • Hi, mine wasn't high but it has gone down since I lost weight. It was about 120/78 and last doctor appointment after I lost some weight was 114/66.
    Good luck
  • WOW! That's a big improvment and very good to hear! Thanks. I'm SO hoping that even losing ten or 15 pounds will keep me off meds. This makes me hopeful!!!