Points Issue help

  • I had a row with the subscription department at WW online, which is where I get my points information on foods that don't have label info like meat, etc. Anyway, I can't find anywhere that I might purchase the book or information that I had with etools. Can someone guide me? I know about Dottie's site, but she does have gaps in her information as wonderful as it is. I tried to see at the online site if I could buy the book, but it doesn't show it for sale anywhere that I could see. I don't go to meetings anymore, but can I go to the local WW place and buy the book? Thanks for the help! I am not quitting as I have lost 28 lbs and my husband 18 so far. We love the flex program.
  • yes you can go buy it just join and theyll give you it.(you dont have to ever go bk if you dont want to)
  • Try Ebay.
  • Actually, you don't even need to join to get it. You can go in while the rest of the participants are in the meeting (go in mid-way through), select what you want to buy, and leave without even discussing membership at all. At least that's what I did here. The only problem that you might have is that here at least, the calculators are difficult to get. When I went in the first time, I must have timed it perfectly. I got mine and left. I tried to go get one for my sister and heard them talking about how they missed the shipment and how they're never in stock.

    Easiest way? Try eBay. You can get it sent straight to your house without any issues at all.
  • Do you know anyone who attends meetings? They could pick one up for you.
  • Some regions will not let nonmembers buy, some will let onliners buy but onlines have a marketplace online to buy those items.

    If you have a points calculator (slide or electronic) you need only utilize a nutritional database for the info to get points...you really don't need a book.

    This site has one (under resources I think) but there also is CalorieKing and
    the USDA websearch site: (I hope Suzanne and moderators will leave this link): www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl

    utilize the nutritional information is always more correct than the book.