Greetings from The "Dirty South"!

  • Okay, it's not really dirty. But it is Alabama, and that's pretty ol' South.

    Hi, all! I've been lurking on this board for months now, and I finally decided it's time to take the plunge and get more involved. Y'all seem like a wonderful group of ladies, and I've been completely inspired and encouraged by your stories. As for me, I'm 27, live in AL (War Eagle!), and have one child- a son, 18 months. I teach high school English, and am currently wrapping up grad school. I've struggled with weight for a long time, but like most young women, I thought I was overweight for a long time when I was actually just the right size. Now.. not so much.

    Between moving, and new jobs, and a baby, and grad school, I really let myself go over the past five years. In January, I read the O magazine detailing Bob Greene's "Best Life Diet". I decided right then and there to start changing things. I began this journey on January 1, 2007. Since then, I've lost 27 lbs. and dropped from a size 18 to a size 14. I'm feeling so much better, but it's still very hard, as I'm sure you all know. Diet and exercise are contrary to my entire personality, but I'm getting through it. And of course, I've hit the dreaded plateau.
    Can't wait to get involved here!!
  • deronda,
    I'm fairly new too but welcome! Hope you get as inspired reading through these forums as i do. I'm also from the beautiful state of Alabama and am 27 years old.

    BTW, WAR EAGLE here also!!

  • I love Alabama! In fact I've only been home from there for 3 days.

    You've done good work. Welcome!
  • Congrats on your weight loss! I read that same article in O magazine, and it has some great advice!! Keep going, you'll get there!!