Round #2..

  • Well, I'm new here. I weighed between 110-115 late last year, but soda and fast food -- mostly soda -- have rendered me unable to fit in to any of my clothes. And, as my mom is constantly reminding me, I've got to do something about it.

    I've lost weight before. I was the "fat kid" for a long time. When I was ten, I was 5'0" and weighed 225 pounds, and I'm not even sure if that was my top weight. I was afraid to get on a scale. Anyway, I stayed that way until I was thirteen years old, because I didn't think I'd be able to lose that much weight. Needless to say, I did. I reached my goal weight of 120 before my fifteenth birthday, and I kept it off for a while, even lost a little more. Then I took my slim figure for granted and started going back to my old eating habits.

    I'm not letting that happen this time.
  • Welcome, You must change the way you eat for a lifetime. Find a plan that you can stick to for the rest of your life. I wish someone would of told me that when I was 25 and I didn't find out when I was 45.
    A lot of people count calories and stick to a healthy eating plan. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables(mostly vegetables), lean meats, good fats(olive oil, salmon, nuts in moderation), low fat dairy. You can do it but it has to be something you will stick to. Not go on and off. Good luck.
  • Thank you.

    That was my plan, I don't want to go on any "fad" diets or anything like that. I usually eat healthier foods, anyway, because I'm very picky. Just a different kind of picky -- I refuse to eat sweets or anything like that (I'm the weird kid in the family). I think my main problem was all the soda I drank and Mom's surprise calls to Mazzio's. I just can't pass up fettuccine alfredo.
  • you will do it as you have done it before,Im wanting to loose about the same as you so how about it,lets do it eh and show the world.