does anyone get cold after exercise?

  • almost everyday about an hour or so after i come home from the gym or whatnot i get really cold. my family thinks im crazy cause they all say its hot in the house and there i am all wrapped up in a blanket. ive been trying to figure out what is causing me to be so cold. it lasts probably about 1-2 hours then im fine. i dunno if exercise is the cause or not. just wondering if anyone else experiences this.
  • I's 72 degrees in here and I'm wearing two hoodies, and I've got a blanket over me. I worked out a few hours ago, so I don't know if it's from exercise. I'm like this all day.
  • I do sometimes, but mostly I will get the chills during exercise if I am real sweaty. I like the little sensation, LOL! I am a hot blooded person, so when other people are freezing, I'm complaining that it's hot so.....
  • Quote: almost everyday about an hour or so after i come home from the gym or whatnot i get really cold. my family thinks im crazy cause they all say its hot in the house and there i am all wrapped up in a blanket. ive been trying to figure out what is causing me to be so cold. it lasts probably about 1-2 hours then im fine. i dunno if exercise is the cause or not. just wondering if anyone else experiences this.
    Oh yeah - I rember being in Texas, 97 degrees out and freezing. I now consider it a sign that I worked really really hard!
  • I do, too! I thought it was just me!
  • I do as well. Perhaps it's because of the 'contrast' between high activity due to exercise and then sitting/every day moves in the house?
  • Yup...happens to me too.
  • That definitely happens to me too. But remember, sweat is there for natural temperature regulation-- so after you exercise and get all this sweat on you, it evaporates which cools you down. Sometimes more than we'd like!
  • Quote: But remember, sweat is there for natural temperature regulation-- so after you exercise and get all this sweat on you, it evaporates which cools you down.
    i guess i kinda knew that, but i didn't think it would make me that chilly!
  • It goes beyond the sweat thing...because usually it hits long after I have showered and changed. I think its a metabolic thing. Because we are talking deep down to the bone cold.

    The more in shape I get, the less dramatic it seems to be.
  • I get cold but only if I don't shower as soon as I get in to wash the sweat off. Once I've taken a hot shower I feel fine.

    Has anyone ever gotten cold chills in 90+ degree weather, sweating profusely, while running or doing exercise outside? That was the strangest feeling, I was running on a hot hot morning, sweating like crazy, extremely HOT, and suddenly I got a cold chill...That was weird