Former lurker!

  • Hello everyone,

    I've been lurking around for a while now, but I thought it was probably time to post. I'm 21 years old and I was anorexic from ages 15-18. Lately I have had major problems with late-night eating; normally I don't eat enough during the day, then after dinner I just don't stop, especially w/ sweet stuff. I'm looking for some support so that I can start feeling good about myself again!

  • welcome to the group!
  • Welcome Kitkat. I think you've pinpointed one of your problems - try eating a bit more substantially during the day, and see if that helps the evening eating.
  • yes, I know... it's just such a struggle! i've gotten into a bad cycle because i feel almost justified in eating too much at night because my calories are still relatively low... but then I overdo it, pushing them way over. i'm worried that if i eat more during the day, i'll still eat just as much at night. i also worry that because of my history i won't know when to stop with the weight loss. right now i think i'm going to aim for a ten pound loss, then reevaluate; for me, i think that the most important thing is awareness.
  • try taking up something that you do late-night to keep your hands busy.

    I crochet, read, write, draw...I should exercise.

    I agree, it's good that you're acknowledging exactly what your problem is. Just catch yourself before you go snack, and find something to distract yourself. Or just go to bed early if you can't distract yourself.
  • Maybe you can establish a routine where you have a good breakfast and lunch.
  • I'm giving that a shot today- so far so good!