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  • I am having a horrible day! I was out raking leaves this morning with my 2 little dachshunds and I turned my back and they took off thru the woods. Now these little guys have taken off before and once they came back and once someone found them and called us(our number is on their tags.) The bad thing this time is DH gave them a bath last night and DID NOT PUT THEIR COLLARS back on. They have been gone for 5 hours and I know they are not coming back, either they are lost in the woods, someone has them or they made it to the highway and got run over. I have driven around looking asked the neighbors etc. NO LUCK

    I cannot believe I am going to have to explain to my 4 yr old DS where his puppies are. I am going to cry!

    Thanks for listening
  • Oh Rachel! I am so sorry! Don't give up hope! I don't know a lot about doggies but always heard that familiar scents lead them back home.

    This is why I choose not to have pets. It's hard enuff raising kids and losing a loved pet would just break my heart.

    Positive thoughts and wishes going your way!

  • Oh don't give up. My little Boston Terrier got lost and I got him back two weeks later.... Just keep hunting.....
  • Oh Honey, big hugs to you (((((()))))) Our pets are our babies and my heart goes out to you. My DS and his dog "Shaq" are inseperable--they WILL be found or come back. Prayers are on there way!!!!!
  • I'm crying right along with you, Scoobs. I lost a little dog once and it was my own darned fault. Broke my little girl's heart and my own. I just prayed that whoever took him was really good to him. I'm praying that you have better luck with your pooches than I did. Don't stop looking. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you.
  • SO I went looking again!!! The people who are on the road behind us saw them at 3pm and their daughter said they were at their neighbors house and the lady put them on her porch and fed them...he told me how to get there so I went down this dirt road in the dark, found the house(I think), knocked on the door and no one would answer. I could hear people in there. I could have been in the wrong place. THe scary thing is this house is perilously close to the highway, if this lady gets sick of them before I can get back there in the morning they are goners. OF course I called DH at his fathers and he was having a fit that I was searching for these dogs in the dark with a 2 yr old. But i just can't stand the thought of them being out in the cold or someone being mean to them, they are the sweetest little things.

    So to top off a perfectly awful day, I get home and DD locks the van doors after I get out, of course the keys are in the van in my purse, something I would never do but I was I spent 15 minutes coaxing her to open the door, she was quite amused at my much worse could this day get?
  • Oh sweetie you have had a bad day.... Tomorrow will be better I'm sure and you'll get your puppies back....
  • Rachel. My heart goes out to you for your day! things will turn out ok.
  • I just had to stop in and tell you that one more prayer is going out for both you and your puppies.

    I have a positive feeling that they will be home soon.
  • Anxious to hear if you've found your puppies yet?
  • Rachel,
    Did you go back this morning? How did it go? Please let us know!
  • Scooby,

    Sending you lots of hugs. Have the doggies come home yet?

  • Rachel, I hope things are OK. We are all feeling with you. Please let us know. And if your news is too sad for you to post, PM me and I'll do it for you! BUT we are all thinking positive thoughts!
  • I got a phone call last night from one of the people I stopped and talked to and she said the darling little doggies were in the middle of the highway(probably terrified) and several cars stopped to try and catch them finally a woman got them in her car and told a lady on the road she was taking them to the animal shelter.....this morning I called no answer so I went down there this afternoon and searched the human society and the county shelter, they are not either the person who picked them up is keeping them or she has not taken them yet. I hope she has not just let them go somewhere. I slept about 2 minutes last night worrying about them, I kept getting up to see if they were outside on the porch. My DS will be home in about an hour I do not know what I am going to tell him. By the way my eyeballs feel like onions from crying. Thanks to all for thinking of me, I will tell you that shelter is a sad place. THere were all these dogs there that people had just left, their names were on their cages nad everything. Here I am madly searching for these little dogs and some jerks have left there pets because they just don't want them. Makes me ill. Talk to you all later......
  • Rachel, I am sure that the lady who picked them up will take them to the Shelter. It sounds as if she has a kind heart. Perhaps she is waiting until Monday - our shelters here are not 24/7.

    As far as the dogs in the shelter are concerned, I am sure they have not all been abandoned. I volunteered at our local shelter a few years ago and know that lots of owner have to give up their pets because of allergies, health problems or moving out of the country. However, it is heartbreaking to see those poor furries just looking at you.

    Please let us know what happens.