Help in the desert

  • Hi, my name is Dorothy. Like all the rest this is my first time doing anything like this. I found this in the Oprah O magazine and said what the heck I will give it a try. I find myself always making an excuse to why I can't do it. Some weeks are really good others are not. I work at of our home running the office for our business so it is really easy just to snack all day. Another issue I have is I feel when I go into town, I have to stop by a fast food joint. It reallys sucks. Well that is it for know. I hope to meet some good friends that will help support me and allow me to help support them.
  • Hi Dorothy. I'm sure you will meet some great people here. No matter what excuses you make, I'm sure somebody here has made the same ones. I'm am at home a lot now b/c I'm between jobs and it is really hard not to eat all day. I am having a hard time as well. Is there a specific plan you follow or are you just cutting down or exercising?
  • Hi Dorothy!


    This is a great place! Just when you think that NOBODY has felt the same way as YOU have, you post some comments and POOF! A bunch of great new friends explain how they have felt that same way, too! It's so awesome!

    I think one of the hardest things about weight loss is feeling isolated from others who are going through the same thing. Here, EVERYONE is going through very similar things! GREAT support and GREAT understanding! LOVE THAT!

  • Dorothy!

    Glad to "see" you here! I hope you find some good ideas--there are plenty of places to look on this site.
