georgious top!!!

  • im so so so chuffed ladys and gents! my new top has finally come from simply be and i love it love it!! its come in a big pink posh box and inside its wrapped in posh paper too!
    sorry i just wantedto share that with you lol.

    this is it if anyone wants to see

  • Very glam! Particularly like the bling on the neckline
  • lol. its was a bargin too. half price in the sales and they only had my size too! ive been after it for months but £70 on a top is a bit much so im propper chuffed i got it for £35!
  • Very nice indeedy
  • Lovely! are you going anywhere nice to wear it this weekend then?
  • It's so pretty!
  • well ive bought it to go see some strippers on a ladys night at the local club. and i carnt wait. now im a large lady i dont want to go with everything hanging out and on show like i used to when i was slim so im taking the shophisticated!