Bikram Yoga

  • Dear All:

    I really really want to try this form of Yoga in which it is in 100 F plus room and it is supposed to be this amazing exercise that increases flexibilty and circulation.

    However, I am EXTREMELY self conscious because I am about 50 lbs from my target goal and don't want to be embarassed. Also there are an established 26 poses and I don't understand how it can account for a newbie with no flexibility and extremely out of shape.

    I want to know if any of you have tried this form of yoga and what do you think of it. THANKS
  • I love Bikram. One of my friends is a teacher, and she got me started on it.

    There are 26 poses, but as in all yoga, every pose looks differently on every body. If you are doing the pose to the best of your ability, you are doing it perfectly. Bikram is very good with meeting you where you are, and helping you move from there.

    I was already in pretty good shape when I started Bikram, but my friend's mother-in-law is 50+, has a pacemaker, and hardly ever exercised until she started doing Bikram. She came to her 6th class with us last night. Occasionally she stops and rests, and she may not get as deeply into the poses as some others, but the practice still has benefits for her.

    So I totally recommend it! Take it easy your first time, and give it at least three classes to get used to it before you make a final decision as to whether you like it or not. That's my advice.
  • I've recently started Bikram and today I'm taking my 15th class. There are people of all shapes and sizes in my class. Some are waaaay too thin and some are heavy (100+ lbs overweight). Nobody looks at anybody else funny. We all wear skimpy outfits and sweat our patooties off.

    You may feel light headed or sick during or after your first few classes. To minimize this, drink LOTS of water during the 24 hours before class (aim for 90 oz of water before class). Eat a healthy meal about three hours before class and then don't eat anything else until after class. Take an Emergen-C right before class and drink a lot of water during class (I bring a 64oz bottle of ice water to class). If you're feeling a bit off after class, take another Emergen-C. Continue to hydrate after class. And don't push yourself too hard during class. Take as many rest breaks as you need. Just get back up and join the group again when you're feeling better.

    Let us know how your first class goes! Good luck!
  • I took my first Bikram yoga class today and totally loved it! I've done the regular Hatha yoga and always liked it and I was surprised that I enjoyed this so much because I don't usually like being so hot... But I did like it and there were people of all shapes and sizes in the class...
  • I've been trying to do Bikram on and off for the past 4 years. I recently started up again and just completed 15 classes in 30 days last week! (10 is the minimum recommended a month) I lost 6 pounds and feel amazing. I am actually 60 pounds overweight so close to you. I don't feel like anyone is looking at me, there are people bigger than me and smaller than me in the class but when in the class you are all like one person and move together.
  • Hi Crescendo! I started doing hot yoga (not specifically bikram yoga, but yoga in a hot room!) last September when I was 80 lbs overweight. I love the studio, especially because the environment is so noncompetitive and non-judgmental. In fact, it was hot yoga that convinced me that I could regularly exercise and enjoy it. Since then, I have added different types of exercise, but the hot yoga is still a big part of my routine.

    I echo what the others have said... be gentle and patient with yourself, drink lots of water, rest when you need to. Also, I usually burn around 700 calories per one hour class (according to my HRM), so it is great exercise! I spent my first few classes just learning the poses and getting used to the hot room - I didn't push myself too hard. This is my recommendation.

    Good luck!

    Peace, Heather
  • I say do it!!! Try anything once and see how it goes. In yoga you do what is best for you at that moment. So it doesn't matter how deep or intense you do a pose. Plus bikram, or hot yoga(that is what I do, power yoga in a hot room) is so intense, everyone is focused on themself on their own mat. I feel like I don't stay from my own self long enough to notice what anyone else might be doing.
    Its the best work out because it totally holistic, you address emotional problems and physical problems, and carry the practice with you even when you leave the class.
    Lilke everyone else suggested, drink lots of water and bring a towel to put over your mat.
    Have fun!!! And remember everyone was new to the class at one point.