At last--30 pounds gone!

  • Wow, I just can't tell you what a struggle it has been to get to 168. I finally got below 170 a week and a half ago, just to stall and back up a bit. All it took was a couple days with less activity and a bit more calories. But at last, today, 3/27, I dropped again. I hope I can stay here and not go back up again--EVER! Here's to sticking with the plan!

  • 30 pounds is no joke...Awesome job, Jay!!! Way to go!! Keep up the good work.
  • That's great!!! Congratulations.
  • congrats...hang in there...30 down. You are so close to your goal. good luck!
  • Congrats!! I hope to join you in the 160s soon. Getting out of the 170s is really hard for some reason!
  • nice!! congratulations! you're flying...
  • Wonderful! Congratulations!
  • WTG Jay!!! Determination certainly pays off!
  • Woohoo!!!!! Nice going. You must be so thrilled. Congratulations.
  • Thanks, everyone! It's been soooo helpful to hang out on 3FC with you all--I've learned so much and gotten so much support!

  • Awesome job, congrats.