
  • Good morning all,

    This is my first time starting a thread so here it goes. I did really well the last two days with my eating. I am still so sore from raking leaves all weekend so I will start working out on Wed. I also decided I would weigh myself on Friday considering last week I did the vacation thing and I know I gained.

    Yesterday was nice getting back to work and in the swing of things. I have parent teacher conferences this week I love going to Cody's {13} he is a straight A student and my daughter has high grades for a 3rd grader but my 17 year old well that goes without saying. 46% of our high school is failing pretty sad. I have complained alot but school politics gets you no where but I still think saying my peace is ok.

    Hope you all have a great day! Good luck on your eating today

  • sheila1971, Come join us on the daily thread. Congrats for speaking your mind, even though it falls on deaf ears. What a great model for your children.
