looking for info

  • Hi I am looking for info about the south beach diet. I was wondering how much weight people have lost in the first phase and how hard it is to do. Also how is the second phase going for most people. I know that the next couple of weeks I will not be able to eat from home and will be out of town which means eating out. How do most of you make out with that?
  • Hi Tanya, Take a look in the FAQ section-there's a slew of stickies that will help you understand South Beach, and stickies that provides info on foods for Phase 1 and 2.
    As far as weight loss goes -it seems folks lose 3-8 pounds the first two weeks of phase 1. The weight loss slows on phase 2. Portion control, and adding only a few items from the phase 2 list help to find your balance. The book is pretty reasonably priced.. You could probably get a used one on amazon for a few dollars. hope thishelps
  • Tanya, I would suggest that you hold off on starting Phase 1 until after your traveling is done. Phase 1 is somewhat restrictive and it could be challenging to follow it while eating all your meals out. In the meantime, you can get the book and read it thoroughly so you'll be completely prepared to start on your diet once you're back home again.